health tips

Immunity Conclave On Zee : India gave direction to world for fight against coronavirus

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में देखिए कैसे कोरोना काल में भारत ने विश्व को दिखाई नई राह.

Jul 05, 2020, 15:06 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : Ayush Ministry find out corona medicine soon

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में केंद्रीय मंत्री श्रीपद नाइक ने कहा कि कोरोना की दवा पर शोध जारी है.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:46 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : Is kadha best for our immunity?

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में हम आपको बता रहे हैं कि काढ़ा स्वास्थ्य के लिए कितना फायदेमंद.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:30 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : Is Indians immunity far better than Other Countries?

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में देखिए क्यों भारत के लोगों की Immunity दूसरे देशों से बेहतर.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:24 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : can we defeat corona from Ayurveda and Yoga?

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में देखें क्या कोरोना को सिर्फ योग और आयुर्वेद से हराया जा सकता है.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:22 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : which Yoga is best for fitness?

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में देखिए Fit रहने के लिए कौन से आसन करने चाहिए.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:16 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : Ayurveda and Allopathy confluence can finish Corona?

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में जानिए की एलोपैथी और आयुर्वेद का संगम कैसे देगा कोरोना को मात.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:12 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : Swami Ramdev Immunity Mantra

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में स्वामी रामदेव का ये Immunity मंत्र आपको रखेगा फिट देखें वीडियो.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:04 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee : How yoga and Ayurveda helps you to fight with corona?

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE में स्वामी रामदेव ने बताया इस New Normal में योग कैसे देगा आपका साथ.

Jul 05, 2020, 14:00 PM IST

Immunity Conclave On Zee Swami Ramdev 10 important tips for office going people

ZEE NEWS के कार्यक्रम इंडिया इम्युनिटी E-CONCLAVE पर स्वामी रामदेव से जानिए स्वस्थ रहने के लिए Healthy Tips.

Jul 05, 2020, 13:48 PM IST

Quick Yoga Tricks to Boost Immunity and Manage Anxiety during Lockdown

The lockdown has left everyone restricted to our homes leading to lack physical activity. Here are simple yoga poses which will help improve immunity, achieve a stable mind and healthy body.

Apr 09, 2020, 15:12 PM IST

Indians with OCD should avoid watching news around coronavirus COVID-19

Indians are currently living with 21-day nationwide lockdown, which started from Tuesday midnight.

Mar 27, 2020, 14:52 PM IST

Fit India Movement: Simple ways to stay hale and hearty

Leading a balanced and healthy should come naturally to all but unfortunately, it doesn't. 

Aug 29, 2019, 14:11 PM IST

Birth control pills could impair women's ability to recognise emotion

The study showed that healthy women who use birth control pills are poorer judges of subtle facial expressions than non-users.

Feb 12, 2019, 13:10 PM IST

Men's brains diminish faster than women's: Study

The study noted that the brain's metabolism slows as people grow older, but it may differ between men and women.

Feb 05, 2019, 14:28 PM IST

Mindfulness, sleep may reduce exhaustion in entrepreneurs: Study

The study showed that when entrepreneurs feel exhausted but cannot afford the time for adequate sleep, they may be able to replenish their energy with mindfulness exercises. 

Feb 05, 2019, 14:21 PM IST

Aerobics can delay age-related cognitive decline: Study

Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning which can include activities like brisk walking, swimming, running or cycling.

Jan 31, 2019, 15:17 PM IST

Fish oil may not improve asthma symptoms: Study

For every three participants assigned to take fish oil for 25 weeks, one was assigned to take the soy oil placebo.

Jan 26, 2019, 17:19 PM IST

High job stress leads to weight gain in women?

Efforts to reduce work-related stress would likely achieve a decrease not only in weight gain but also in the incidence of ill health.

Jan 26, 2019, 17:07 PM IST

Winter Tips: How to prepare your body for the winter

Useful Winter Tips for your health. It is also imperative to boost immunity, and one way of doing so is by adding Chyawanprash to your diet. 

Jan 07, 2019, 13:52 PM IST