healthy life

10 Health Benefits Of Eating Well

Jun 20, 2023, 16:16 PM IST

What Is Taurine? How Can It Delay Ageing, Boost A Healthier Life - Reveals Study

This study suggests that taurine could be an elixir of life within us that helps us live longer and healthier lives. 

Jun 11, 2023, 16:58 PM IST

10 Superfoods For Kidney Health

Jun 02, 2023, 17:39 PM IST

Tomatoes To Almonds: 10 Common Food Items That You Might Be Eating Wrong All Your Life

Every natural food is packed with vitamins and minerals, but when we eat them incorrectly, we dilute their nutritious value. Scroll down to avoid such mistakes.

Mar 27, 2023, 18:25 PM IST

Body Detox: How To Get Rid Of Toxins To Rejuvenate Your Body

Detox is an opportunity to give your body a break and allow your self-cleaning and self-healing processes, scroll down to check 7 ways to detox your body.

Mar 15, 2023, 12:40 PM IST

10 Indian Foods That Cause Acidity

Mar 11, 2023, 17:26 PM IST

Obesity could be treated by mapping the brain stem's control: Study

The process of choosing which foods to seek out and which to avoid turns out to be so crucial to our welfare that the signals are coordinated in the brain`s most rudimentary regions, the brain stem or hindbrain

Aug 26, 2022, 14:42 PM IST

DNA: Super Dadi - 105 Year Old Grandma's health tips

Haryana's 'Super Dadi' is in the news after winning the 100 meters race at the age of 105. People must have this question what is the secret of this tremendous fitness at such an age.

Jun 22, 2022, 00:44 AM IST

World Kidney Day 2021: Follow these tips to lead a healthy life

CKD is known to be a ‘silent killer’ as it is difficult to detect especially in the early stages and is not cured easily. Kidney diseases are usually non-communicable and diabetes, high blood pressure are seen as the worst enemies of kidneys.

Mar 11, 2021, 17:51 PM IST

World Health Day 2018: Simple ways to stay fit and healthy

Come April 7 and everyone across the globe will be seen celebrating World Health Day.

Apr 03, 2018, 16:20 PM IST