Vitamin D

Regular use of sunscreen can cause vitamin D deficiency

Researchers claim nearly one billion people worldwide may be having deficient or insufficient levels of Vitamin D due to inadequate sun exposure related to sunscreen use.

May 02, 2017, 15:37 PM IST

Vitamin D: Why it's so essential, what happens when you don't get enough of it?

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is an essential nutrient that helps maintain strong bones, teeth and keep the muscles healthy.

Apr 11, 2017, 15:30 PM IST

Beware men! Low level of Vitamin D may worsen frailty

 A new study has claims that middle-age-men with low levels of Vitamin D are more likely to have poor muscle mass and strength, causing frailty.

Apr 04, 2017, 14:35 PM IST

Bone loss has a cure – Try vitamin D supplements, dairy foods

Dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt possess higher bone density as weel as protect againsts bone loss in the hip, which older adults usually go through.

Mar 02, 2017, 13:39 PM IST

Battle flu and cold with this supplement – Read

The `sunshine vitamin` as it known, not just improves bone and muscle health but also protects against respiratory infections by boosting levels of antimicrobial peptides -- natural antibiotic-like substances -- in the lungs.

Feb 16, 2017, 13:03 PM IST

France to suspend sale of Vitamin D after baby's death

The decision was taken as a precaution by France's ANSM agency that oversees the safety of medicines and health products, Health Minister Marisol Touraine said in a statement.

Jan 04, 2017, 13:03 PM IST

Vitamin D may help prevent diabetes, heart disease

Sunbathing or vitamin D supplements may help restore good bacteria in the gut and help prevent metabolic syndrome, a group of symptoms that are risk factors for diabetes and heart disease, new research suggests.

Dec 23, 2016, 00:25 AM IST

Vitamin D may lower mortality in one-third breast cancer patients

A deficiency in the vitamin D levels has been associated with the risk for several cancers.

Nov 11, 2016, 16:23 PM IST

Low Vitamin D level and risk of bladder cancer are interlinked

A systematic review of seven studies say that lack of Vitamin D in human body is associated with an increased risk of developing bladder cancer.

Nov 08, 2016, 21:10 PM IST

Low Vitamin D levels may up bladder cancer risk

Vitamin D, which is produced by the body through exposure to sunshine, helps the body control calcium and phosphate levels. It can also be obtained from food sources such as fatty fish and egg yolks. 

Nov 08, 2016, 12:37 PM IST

Vitamin D for pregnant women should be tailor-made

Pregnant women respond differently to vitamin D supplementation depending on their individual attributes, thus the supplement levels should be tailored according to individual risk factors, suggests a research.

Oct 28, 2016, 19:44 PM IST

Vitamin D consumption in pregnancy reduces risk of ADHD in children

A new research suggests that vitamin D consumption during pregnancy reduces risk of kids developing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is one of the most common neurobehavioural disorders.

Oct 08, 2016, 13:58 PM IST

Prevent arthritis in women with these simple ways!

Arthritis is a painful medical condition in the form of inflammation of joints that leads to severe pain, swelling and stiffness.

Sep 29, 2016, 23:21 PM IST

Common chemicals may reduce vitamin D levels

Exposure to certain common chemicals called endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in several consumer products, including plastic bottles, may reduce levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream, says a study.

Sep 22, 2016, 00:20 AM IST

Increase vitamin D levels to cut kidney problems

 A deficiency in the amount of vitamin D in the body may lead to high risk of chronic kidney diseases, especially in children, says a new study.

Jun 18, 2016, 15:07 PM IST

Vitamin deficiencies may up migraines

The findings revealed that a high percentage of children, teens and young adults with migraines had mild deficiencies in vitamin D, riboflavin and coenzyme Q10 -- a vitamin-like substance.

Jun 13, 2016, 15:47 PM IST

Vegan? Here's how you can get all key nutrients!

Following a vegetarian diet can yield health benefits as it reduces your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Apr 29, 2016, 12:55 PM IST

Higher levels of vitamin D linked to lower cancer risk

The marker of vitamin D was 25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25(OH)D, the main form in the blood.

Apr 07, 2016, 18:20 PM IST

Higher the vitamin D levels, lower the cancer risk

Optimizing your vitamin D levels may help you prevent risk of developing cancer, according to a recent study.

Apr 07, 2016, 11:10 AM IST

Suntan keeps UV rays at bay, blocks skin`s Vitamin D synthesis

The team evaluated 986 people between 13 and 82 years of age, with roughly equal numbers of males and females, living in the city of Recife, Brazil.

Apr 03, 2016, 11:26 AM IST