United Nations Security Council

UN experts find bid to smuggle Congo arms via Rwanda to Burundi rebels

A confidential report to the United Nations Security Council found there have been attempts to smuggle weapons from Democratic Republic of Congo through Rwanda to rebels in Burundi where a political crisis threatens to spiral out of control. 

Feb 05, 2016, 00:52 AM IST

Burundi rebels say trained by Rwandan military: UN experts

The report cites accounts from several rebel fighters, who told the sanctions monitors the training was done in a forest camp in Rwanda. 

Feb 04, 2016, 07:28 AM IST

North Korea apparently readying `some kind of launch`: US officials

North Korea appears to be readying some kind of a rocket launch, two US defense officials said Thursday, amid concerns Pyongyang is preparing to test a ballistic missile in violation of UN Security Council rules.

Jan 29, 2016, 01:48 AM IST

North Korea to launch a long-range missile in a week: Report

North Korea may be preparing to launch a long-range missile as soon as in a week, Japan`s Kyodo news agency reported early on Thursday, citing an unnamed Japanese government official.

Jan 28, 2016, 05:41 AM IST

Israel`s Netanyahu says UN`s Ban `encourages terror`

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday accused the UN chief of "encouraging terror" after Ban Ki-moon spoke of Palestinian frustration at Israel`s occupation and said it was natural to resist.

Jan 27, 2016, 01:40 AM IST

South Korea's Park seeks 5-party talks on North's nuclear programme

South Korean President Park Geun-hye called on Friday for a meeting of five countries, excluding North Korea, to discuss the North`s nuclear programme alongside long-stalled "six-party talks" that include Pyongyang.

Jan 22, 2016, 09:04 AM IST

China supports 'necessary' UN response to North Korea test

The North`s nuclear test angered both China and the United States.

Jan 15, 2016, 17:06 PM IST

North Korea now more isolated than ever: US

The US has said that the international community stands united against North Korea's provocations, with Pyongyang more isolated than ever, after the reclusive nation claimed it has successfully conducted its first hydrogen bomb test.

Jan 08, 2016, 09:19 AM IST

UN sanctions threat over North Korea nuclear test

The UN Security Council agreed on Wednesday to roll out new measures to punish North Korea after its shock announcement of a hydrogen bomb test triggered global concern and condemnation.

Jan 07, 2016, 09:32 AM IST

EU says N Korea nuclear test `grave violation` of UN resolutions

The European Union condemned North Korea`s claimed hydrogen bomb test Wednesday as a "grave violation" of a UN ban on its development of nuclear weapons and a threat to the region.

Jan 06, 2016, 16:15 PM IST

UN council to hold emergency meeting on reported North Korea nuclear test

One diplomat said the meeting would likely be held behind closed doors.

Jan 06, 2016, 10:47 AM IST

White House vows appropriate response to N Korea `provocations`

The United States vowed to respond appropriately while stressing it could not confirm the hermit state`s claims that it had carried out a hydrogen bomb test.

Jan 06, 2016, 10:43 AM IST

Young Yazidi woman recounts rape, torture in ISIS custody, moves UNSC to tears - Watch

Taha said she was abducted in August last year from her village in Iraq and taken by bus to a building in the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul.

Dec 19, 2015, 11:24 AM IST

UN endorses Syria peace plan in rare show of unity among big powers

The resolution gives a U.N. blessing to a plan negotiated previously in Vienna that calls for a ceasefire.

Dec 19, 2015, 10:11 AM IST

Yazidi woman begs UN Security Council to wipe out ISIS

A young Yazidi woman pleaded on Wednesday for the United Nations Security Council to wipe out Islamic State after describing the torture and rape she suffered at hands of the militants, who abducte

Dec 18, 2015, 20:02 PM IST

UNSC adopts resolution to cut off funding to ISIS, al Qaeda

The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution to cut off all sources of funding to ISIS and al Qaeda with finance ministers from the member nations vowing to increase sanctions against the terror groups.

Dec 18, 2015, 12:50 PM IST

UN Security Council condemns Burundi attacks, urges peace

The United Nations Security Council condemned deadly coordinated pre-dawn assaults on three army bases in Burundi on Friday, urging calm and dialogue.

Dec 12, 2015, 06:47 AM IST

UNSC 'helpless' on enforcing its own sanctions against terrorism: India

 In a scathing criticism of the Security Council's role in fighting terrorism, India has said that the UN's primary body for international security was helpless in making countries enforce its own sanctions and resolutions against terrorists.

Nov 13, 2015, 08:32 AM IST

Over 60 mn people affected by UNSC malfunctioning: India

India emphasised that the international community's work on UNSC reform cannot be seen in "isolation" as some kind of academic exercise which has no relation to the world.

Oct 31, 2015, 11:35 AM IST

Russia says it opposes UN resolution on Syrian barrel bombs

Russia said it opposes a draft UN resolution on Syria's use of barrel bombs which is being promoted by France, Britain and Spain because it could jeopardise upcoming international talks on how to restore peace to the conflict-wracked country.

Oct 29, 2015, 11:13 AM IST