United Nations Security Council

US, UK and Germany corner China at UNSC on Uyghur minorities issue in Xinjiang province

The remarks were made at a UN Security Council Briefing on counterterrorism with all 3 countries advising Bejing not to use "counterterrorism" as a pretext to silence political dissent.

Aug 26, 2020, 17:04 PM IST

Pakistan blunders yet again, posts fake speech to UNSC on its official website

Pakistan has yet again made a blunder as it posted a fake speech to the United Nations Security Council on the official website of its permanent mission. According to reports, Pakistan faked a speech to the UNSC and posted it on its official website pretending that it was delivered even though its Ambassador did not speak at the session on terrorism.

Aug 25, 2020, 10:29 AM IST

'Conflict actors' exploiting COVID-19 pandemic for misinformation, terror attacks: India at UNSC

India said, "Some conflict actors are exploiting the current climate of uncertainty to press their agendas, including through spread of misinformation to foment discord and violence and even sponsor opportunistic terrorist attacks."

Aug 12, 2020, 23:49 PM IST

India to send 4 diplomats to New York as it takes seat at UNSC high table

India will be getting four more diplomats, who will serve at the Indian mission to the UN in New York —— R Ravindra IFS 1999, Pratik Mathur IFS 2007, Ashish Sharma IFS 2009 and Rajesh Parihar IFS 2009.

Aug 10, 2020, 21:27 PM IST

Pakistan invites former UNSC listed terrorist Gulbadin Hekmatyar to speak on first anniversary of abrogation of Article 370 in J&K

Hekmatyar's links with Pakistani establishment are well known given the backing to him by Islamabad during the Afghan civil war in the 1990s.

Aug 08, 2020, 17:13 PM IST

Pakistani nationals continue to provide leadership to Islamic State, Al Qaeda in South Asia: UNSC report

The report stated that its not just leadership, but the force is also being provided by Pakistan.

Jul 25, 2020, 22:48 PM IST

Afghanistan lodges complaint with UN over Pakistan's cross border rocket firings

Adela Raz, said, "The issue of violations of Afghan territory by Pakistani military forces has continued despite numerous appeals made to the government of Pakistan, bilaterally and through other measures, to cease their illegal and provocative activities in our sovereign territory."

Jul 24, 2020, 23:23 PM IST

Rajnath Singh holds talks with US counterpart Esper, discusses defence cooperation

According to the sources, the two ministers have been in regular touch with each other. In the recent meetings, they have spoken several times on bilateral defence cooperation and issues of mutual interest.

Jul 11, 2020, 01:38 AM IST

India vows to 'overcome fault lines', lists out priorities as it takes charge at UNSC

 India, on Friday ( May 5, 2020) listed out its priorities as it is all set to be elected as a non-permanent seat for United Nations Security Council from January 2021 saying that it will help "overcome faultline" in a world in which "normal process of international governance" has come under "strain as frictions have occurred"

Jun 05, 2020, 13:58 PM IST

Moscow says not in favour of Kashmir being discussed at United Nations

On the visit of foreign envoys to the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir earlier this month, Kudashev said, he doesn't "feels the reason to travel" as "Kashmir is India's internal matter and belongs to your constitutional space".

Jan 20, 2020, 13:12 PM IST

United Nations Security Council rejects Russia resolution on Syria

The resolution received 5 votes in favour, while 4 members voted against it, and 4 countries abstained. A Security Council resolution requires nine votes and no veto from any of the five permanent members - China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Dec 21, 2019, 06:59 AM IST

Pak admits won't get assured support of Security Council, Muslim countries on Kashmir

Pakistan has accepted that it will be difficult to find support if it rakes up Kashmir issue with the United Nations Security Council's five permanent members (P5) and from Muslim countries as well. Watch this video to know more.

Aug 12, 2019, 23:06 PM IST

Masood Azhar's confession after his arrest in Jammu and Kashmir which India used as proof to nail him

The report states that he had confessed that he had procured the Portuguese passport from Bangladesh and an Indian visa in the name of Vali Adam Issa.

May 02, 2019, 11:26 AM IST

China tells US to tread 'cautiously' over moving resolution against JeM chief Masood Azhar in UNSC

China has asked the United States tread “cautiously” and avoid “forcefully moving” a draft resolution at UNSC to designate JeM chief Masood Azhar a global terrorist on Wednesday.

Mar 28, 2019, 15:18 PM IST

US, Britain, France step up push for UNSC to blacklist Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar

The United States circulated a resolution - drafted with British and French support - to the 15-member council that would designate JeM leader Masood Azhar, subjecting him to an arms embargo, travel ban and asset freeze, diplomats said. 

Mar 28, 2019, 08:43 AM IST

How Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar can be declared a terrorist

The proposal to designate Azhar under the global terrorist list was moved by France, UK and US on February 27.

Mar 13, 2019, 11:42 AM IST

Venezuela crisis: US, Russia submit resolutions to UNSC

Russia, a major ally of Venezuela, has stood by Maduro and denounced what Moscow describes as an attempt to impose regime change on the South American nation.

Feb 28, 2019, 10:11 AM IST

Britain to ban Lebanon's Hezbollah as terrorist group

The Iran-backed Shiite group is already deemed a terrorist organisation by the United States which last week expressed concern about its growing role in Lebanon`s government.

Feb 25, 2019, 18:13 PM IST

'Ulta chor' Pakistan writes to UNSC, accuses India of threatening regional security

Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has written a letter to the United Nations Security Council accusing India of threatening regional security, the Foreign Office (FO) said on Friday, a day after the powerful UN body named Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) in a statement condemning the "heinous" Pulwama attack perpetrated by the terror outfit in Jammu and Kashmir. Watch this video to know more.

Feb 23, 2019, 08:40 AM IST

UNSC delays statement on Pulwama attack after China's objection: Sources

China, which is a permanent member of the Council, has in the past repeatedly blocked India's bids in UNSC to designate Masood Azhar as a global terrorist.

Feb 22, 2019, 16:05 PM IST