
New conflicts threaten Syria after Islamic State defeat

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, have taken several parts of the northern Syrian town since their assault began this month.

Jun 30, 2017, 16:02 PM IST

Iraq declares end of caliphate after capture of Mosul mosque

After eight months of grinding urban warfare, Iraqi government troops on Thursday captured the ruined mosque at the heart of Islamic State`s de facto capital Mosul.

Jun 30, 2017, 00:16 AM IST

Turkey returns fire on YPG in Syria, warplanes hit militants in Iraq

The United States supports the YPG in the fight against Islamic State in Syria.

Jun 28, 2017, 18:06 PM IST

Turkey warns on Syrian Kurdish militia, welcomes US weapons pledge

Turkey opened an offensive in northern Syria in August last year, sending tanks and warplanes across the border to support Syrian rebels fighting both Islamic State and the YPG.


Jun 23, 2017, 20:43 PM IST

Russia "verifying" info on Baghdadi's likely death: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov

Baghdadi has not been seen in public since proclaiming himself "caliph" in the Iraqi city of Mosul three years ago.

Jun 22, 2017, 20:45 PM IST

US-backed Syrian forces close in on Raqqa from south

Islamic State is also facing defeat in its Iraqi stronghold of Mosul and is being forced into retreat across much of Syria, where Deir al-Zor in eastern Syria is its last major foothold.

Jun 21, 2017, 19:01 PM IST

Iraq's army encircles Islamic State in Mosul's Old City

About 850,000 people, more than a third of the pre-war population of the northern Iraqi city, have fled, seeking refuge with relatives or in camps, according to aid groups.

Jun 20, 2017, 21:02 PM IST

Iraqi forces remove Islamic State fighters from vicinity of US base in Syria

In Mosul, where a US-backed offensive against Islamic State on Saturday entered its ninth month, the militants have been squeezed into an enclave on the western bank of the Tigris river. 

Jun 17, 2017, 19:12 PM IST

Iraqi forces remove Islamic State fighters from vicinity of US base in Syria

In Mosul, where a US-backed offensive against Islamic State on Saturday entered its ninth month, the militants have been squeezed into an enclave on the western bank of the Tigris river. 

Jun 17, 2017, 19:12 PM IST

Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi likely killed in Russian air strike: Reports

Russia said it was checking information that a Russian air strike near the Syrian city of Raqqa may have killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in late May.

Jun 16, 2017, 12:55 PM IST

UN says recorded 300 civilian deaths from US-led air strikes in Raqqa

UN war crimes investigators said on Wednesday that they had documented 300 civilian deaths from what they called "excessive" coalition air strikes on the Syrian city of Raqqa, which is controlled by Islamic State.

Jun 14, 2017, 20:35 PM IST

HRW concerned about phosphorus use by US coalition in Raqqa

The U.S.-led coalition says it investigates any allegations of civilian deaths and is careful to avoid civilian casualties in its bombing in Syria and Iraq.

Jun 14, 2017, 17:11 PM IST

'Jihadi Jack' escapes from clutches of Islamic State militants

Jack Letts from Oxford, dubbed "Jihadi Jack", is suspected of going to Syria to fight for so-called Islamic State.

Jun 13, 2017, 21:25 PM IST

US-backed Syrian militias push into IS-held Raqqa

The US-led coalition estimates that Raqqa, which Islamic State seized from Syrian rebels in 2014 during their lightning advance in Syria and Iraq, is defended by 3,000-4,000 jihadists.

Jun 10, 2017, 17:55 PM IST

Woman suicide bomber kills at least 30 in Iraqi market

The hardline Sunni Muslim insurgents are on the brink of losing Mosul, their de-facto capital in Iraq, to a U.S.-backed Iraqi offensive launched in October.

Jun 09, 2017, 19:21 PM IST

Assault to capture Syria's Raqqa to begin in days, Kurdish YPG says

The offensive is being waged by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias backed by the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State.

Jun 03, 2017, 19:54 PM IST

Turkish President Erdogan visits White House, amid much friction between US, Turkey

The United States is on a collision course with its NATO ally Turkey, pushing ahead with arming Syrian Kurds after deciding the immediate objective of defeating Islamic State militants outweighs the potential damage to a partnership vital to US interests in the volatile Middle East.

May 15, 2017, 14:28 PM IST

White House approves arms for Kurds fighting ISIS in Syria

Despite fierce opposition from NATO ally Turkey, the White House has approved supplying arms to Kurdish YPG fighters to support an operation to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa from Islamic State, a U.S. official told Reuters on Tuesday.

May 10, 2017, 00:31 AM IST

Donald Trump gives Pentagon more flexibility on Iraq, Syria troops

The decision will give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to send more forces into Syria, to assist US-backed local troops as they move to retake Raqqa from the Islamic State group.

Apr 27, 2017, 09:17 AM IST

US backed forces launch new attacks on Islamic State in Syria: Reports

US backed forces fighting Islamic State in Syria launched a new phase of their offensive on Thursday, a statement said, but they have not yet begun to attack the militant group`s stronghold of Raqqa city in an apparent delay in the operation.

Apr 13, 2017, 15:43 PM IST