
ISIS boss Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi injured in airstrike?

American intelligence sources claimed that al-Baghdadi - the world's most wanted man was near Raqqa in Syria when the missile struck in May.

Feb 12, 2018, 21:25 PM IST

Liberation of Raqqa 'critical breakthrough': Donald Trump

President Donald Trump on Saturday lauded the liberation of Raqqa as "a critical breakthrough" in the international campaign to defeat ISIS and said the US will support diplomatic negotiations that end violence in the war- torn Syria.

Oct 22, 2017, 00:21 AM IST

Raqqa to be part of decentralised Syria, say Kurdish-led militia

Raqqa will be part of a decentralised federal Syria now the city has been freed from Islamic State, the U.S.-backed militias that captured it said on Friday, tying its future to Kurdish-led plans to set up autonomous regions in the north.

Oct 20, 2017, 19:42 PM IST

Islamic State defeated in their Syrian capital Raqqa

U.S.-backed militias raised a flag inside Raqqa stadium on Tuesday, a Reuters witness said, as a four-month battle to take Islamic State`s Syrian capital came to an end.

Oct 17, 2017, 19:11 PM IST

Syrian Islamic State fighters evacuate Raqqa city: SDF

Foreign fighters did not leave under the withdrawal deal.

Oct 15, 2017, 12:56 PM IST

100 Islamic State fighters in Raqqa surrendered in last 24 hours: US-led coalition

 Around 100 Islamic State fighters have surrendered in Syria's Raqqa in the last 24 hours and were "removed from the city", a spokesman for the US-led coalition against Islamic State told Reuters on Saturday. 

Oct 14, 2017, 13:27 PM IST

Families fleeing Syria''s Raqqa say air strikes bring heavy toll

RAQQA, Syria (Reuters) - Air raids by U.S.

Oct 12, 2017, 21:11 PM IST

US-backed coalition fighting ISIS in Raqqa to launch final assault

U.S. backed coalition fighting Islamic state in Raqqa to launch final assault. Raqqa has been the De facto Syrian capital of the Islamic state terror group.

Oct 08, 2017, 19:46 PM IST

US sends mass military gears to SDF in Raqqa

The large quantities of weapons aim to help the SDF in their fight to completely clear Raqqa from IS, said the group.

Sep 25, 2017, 06:22 AM IST

US-backed force takes 90% of Syria`s Raqa from IS: monitor

US-backed fighters have captured 90 percent of the Syrian city of Raqa from the Islamic State group after overrunning five strategic neighbourhoods, a monitor said on Wednesday. 

Sep 20, 2017, 14:40 PM IST

Civilians under greater threat as Raqqa fight intensifies - Amnesty

Amnesty International said on Thursday a U.S.-led coalition campaign to oust Islamic State from Syria`s Raqqa had killed hundreds of civilians, and those remaining face greater risk as the fight intensifies in its final stages.

Aug 24, 2017, 07:06 AM IST

US-led airstrikes kill 78 civilians in Raqqa

Tens of civilians are being killed on a daily basis as a result of the attacks, with the Syrian state media reporting civilian casualties daily.


Aug 22, 2017, 23:01 PM IST

US-led strikes kill 42 civilians in Syria's Raqqa

According to media reports, the airstrikes hit several densely-populated neighbourhoods in theRaqqa on Monday.

Aug 22, 2017, 16:26 PM IST

40 civilians killed in US-led airstrikes in Syria

At least 40 civilians were killed and dozens injured in airstrikes by the US-led coalition on neighbourhoods in Raqqa city of Syria, the media reported on Monday.

Aug 21, 2017, 19:50 PM IST

US forces to stay in Syria for decades, say militia allies

Washington's main Syrian ally in the fight against Islamic State says the U.S. military will remain in northern Syria long after the jihadists are defeated, predicting enduring ties with the Kurdish-dominated region. 

Aug 17, 2017, 20:48 PM IST

Syria army at gates of IS-held town on road to east: Monitor

The US-backed Syrian Defence Forces now control more than half of its most important remaining stronghold Raqqa.

Jul 28, 2017, 18:09 PM IST

Syrian military says jets attack Islamic State east of Raqqa: Report

Syrian warplanes carried out air strikes on Saturday against Islamic State in an area of countryside east of Raqqa and close to where U.S.-backed forces operate, Syrian state TV reported, citing a military source.

Jul 22, 2017, 13:51 PM IST

Iraq faces pockets of Islamic State resistance in Mosul's Old City

On Thursday, Human Rights Watch said it had used satellite imagery to verify that a video published on Facebook on Tuesday.

Jul 14, 2017, 17:45 PM IST

US-backed forces seize town with IS military base near Raqqa: SDF official

An alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias fighting under the banner of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is trying to oust Islamic State from its headquarters in Raqqa.

Jul 11, 2017, 14:45 PM IST

Fire kills one at Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon

Lebanon is hosting at least 1 million registered Syrian refugees, many of them living in tented settlements scattered around the country. The government says there are about 1.5 million Syrians in the country.

Jul 02, 2017, 20:21 PM IST