
NATO chief rules out combat role against Islamic State

NATO's chief says members are discussing whether to join the international coalition fighting the Islamic State group but insists the alliance will not deploy combat troops.

May 18, 2017, 22:29 PM IST

NATO chiefs recommend joining anti-Islamic State coaltion

NATO's top brass today said they believed the alliance should consider joining the anti-Islamic State coalition put together by Washington to fight jihadists in Syria and Iraq.

May 18, 2017, 00:13 AM IST

No question of breaking European Union ties: Turkey

It is out of the question for Turkey to break off relations with the EU and it will press ahead with its membership bid, Turkish EU Affairs Minister Omer Celik said on Wednesday.

May 10, 2017, 20:53 PM IST

Erdogan warns Turkey could 'say goodbye' to EU

Relations between Ankara and Brussels have tumbled to unprecedented lows following a failed coup bid on July 15.

May 02, 2017, 19:06 PM IST

UN chief says suspected chemical attack shows 'war crimes' in Syria

 A suspected chemical weapons attack which left more than 70 dead in a rebel-held town shows war crimes continue in Syria.

Apr 05, 2017, 13:57 PM IST

Bashar al-Assad regime responsible for 'awful' Syria attack: European Union

The regime of Bashar al-Assad bears "primary responsibility" for a suspected chemical attack that killed at least 58 people in a rebel-held town in Syria, EU diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini said today.

Apr 04, 2017, 20:38 PM IST

Hungary launches 'Stop Brussels' questionnaire campaign

Hungary launched an anti-EU campaign on Wednesday that asks households in a survey their advice on how to deal with Brussels policies that it says threaten Hungarians' independence.

Apr 01, 2017, 17:54 PM IST

US presses NATO allies on counter-terror, defense budgets

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today urged his NATO counterparts to boost their defense budgets and do more to combat extremists in Syria and Iraq.

Mar 31, 2017, 15:56 PM IST

Kurdish voters stabbed outside Turkish consulate in Brussels

Protests erupted after Turkish government supporters on Thursday allegedly attacked and injured three Kurds going to vote in Turkey`s constitutional referendum at its consulate in Brussels, local media reported.

Mar 31, 2017, 00:17 AM IST

Is Britain's Article 50 reversible?

The answer to the question of whether Britain's exit process from the European Union is revocable is simple: it just depends who you ask.

Mar 30, 2017, 09:22 AM IST

EU vows unity as Britain braces for Brexit

With the clock ticking on Britain's EU membership, the bloc's leadership vows unity while in London the government begins the arduous task of disentangling itself from Brussels.

Mar 30, 2017, 09:15 AM IST

Rex Tillerson to travel to Turkey, Brussels

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to Turkey and then to the NATO headquarters in Brussels aiming to quell a controversy caused by the announcement that he would not attend a meeting of the alliance`s foreign ministers.

Mar 25, 2017, 10:22 AM IST

11 dead as migrant boat sinks off Turkey coast: Report

Eleven people drowned and four were missing after a migrant boat sank off Turkey`s Aegean coast on Friday.

Mar 24, 2017, 19:23 PM IST

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to skip NATO meeting next month

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will skip a NATO meeting in April but travel to Russia the same month, officials said Tuesday, fuelling fears about Washington`s commitment to the alliance.

Mar 21, 2017, 23:14 PM IST

Muslims suffer year of discrimination after Brussels bombs

Belgian teenager Ahmed is still reeling from the hostile reception he received from a teacher the first day he attended a new sports school last September.

Mar 21, 2017, 09:13 AM IST

EU targets Syrian military for chemical weapons attacks

The European Union imposed sanctions on Monday against four senior Syrian military officials accused of using chemical weapons on civilians, after Russia and China blocked similar measures at the United Nations.

Mar 20, 2017, 20:17 PM IST

NATO chief to visit US for first time since election of Donald Trump

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg headed for Washington on Monday for the first time since US President Donald Trump was elected, holding talks with senior officials about defeating the Islamic State group, his office said. 

Mar 20, 2017, 20:09 PM IST

EU expects Turkey to implement migrant accord

The EU expects Turkey to honour a key migrant return accord which Ankara has threatened to ditch amid a bitter dispute with the bloc, a European Commission spokesman said today.

Mar 16, 2017, 21:01 PM IST

US not ready 'right now' for military collaboration with Russia: Mattis

The US military is not yet ready to cooperate with Russia, Pentagon chief James Mattis said Thursday after Moscow's defence minister called for better ties.

Feb 16, 2017, 19:07 PM IST