
Round 1: Brexit talks start in Brussels with 20 months to go

A month after a first meeting where the two exchanged gifts inspired by a shared passion for hillwalking and spoke of the mountain of complexity they must climb, the Frenchman will press Davis to agree to Britain covering substantial British financial commitments and offer more detail on other British proposals.

Jul 17, 2017, 09:15 AM IST

Asaduddin Owaisi pitches for heritage tag for Hyderabad city; BJP, TRS support

The UNESCO on Saturday declared Ahmedabad as the world heritage city. It is the first city in India to get the tag.

Jul 10, 2017, 16:21 PM IST

Belgium seeks more suspects in terror case, new attack feared

Belgian prosecutors said Thursday they were looking for further suspects in an emerging terror investigation and that they feared a possible attack.

Jul 06, 2017, 12:22 PM IST

Next NATO summit in Brussels mid-2018

"I expect the 2018 summit will take place here in Brussels next summer," Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters after a defence ministers meeting at NATO headquarters.

Jun 29, 2017, 22:50 PM IST

No NATO combat role in Afghanistan: Jens Stoltenberg

NATO ended its longest-ever military operation in 2014 when it handed over frontline duties to the Afghan military and took on an advice and training mission, but recent Taliban gains have dented hopes of a quick end to the war.

Jun 29, 2017, 14:38 PM IST

Britain looking at creating new body for EU citizens' rights

Britain wants its own courts to have supremacy after the country leaves the European Union, while the EU favours maintaining the position of the European Court of Justice.

Jun 28, 2017, 16:47 PM IST

Angela Merkel says EU future more important than Brexit talks

Angela Merkel welcomed the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron, who was attending his first EU summit after winning elections May 7.


Jun 22, 2017, 19:07 PM IST

Four detained in raids linked to Belgian rail station attack

Belgian authorities say police have detained four people in a series of raids in Brussels linked to the failed bombing at a rail station this week.

Jun 22, 2017, 17:07 PM IST

'Dreamer' Tusk says Brexit could be reversed

European Union President Donald Tusk echoed rocker John Lennon`s "Imagine" Thursday as he said he hoped Britain might still stay in the bloc.

Jun 22, 2017, 15:44 PM IST

Brussels attacker may have supported Islamic State: Prosecutors

Investigators found chemical substances and materials that could be used to make explosives and concluded that he probably made the bomb there.

Jun 21, 2017, 22:27 PM IST

Queen Elizabeth II to unveil govt agenda in scaled-down Parliament opening

Queen Elizabeth II will on Wednesday unveil the government's agenda at a scaled-down State Opening of Parliament in a speech which will be dominated by Britain's decision to leave the European Union.

Jun 21, 2017, 15:34 PM IST

Brussels bomber was Moroccan aged 36: Prosecutor

The man shot dead at Brussels Central Station on Tuesday after an abortive detonation of a nail bomb in a bag was a Moroccan national.

Jun 21, 2017, 15:02 PM IST

Brussels train station bomber was 37-year-old man from Molenbeek: VTM

Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon told public radio earlier on Wednesday investigators knew the identity of the man, who was shot dead by soldiers guarding the station.

Jun 21, 2017, 12:35 PM IST

Brexit minister David Davis: "No doubt" over Britain leaving EU

Leaving gives us the opportunity to forge a bright new future for the UK — one where we are free to control our borders and do what independent sovereign countries do.

Jun 18, 2017, 15:22 PM IST

Mayor of Brussels steps down over extra salary row

The mayor of Brussels has resigned following revelations he drew a salary from a non-profit organisation for the homeless.

Jun 09, 2017, 09:43 AM IST

European Union, China summit to back Paris deal regardless of Donald Trump: EU official

The European Union and China will give their unconditional backing to the Paris climate accord at a bilateral summit in Brussels on Friday, whether or not the US leaves the pact, an EU official said Wednesday.

May 31, 2017, 21:17 PM IST

UK's Theresa May raised intelligence concerns with Donald Trump after leaks row: Source

British Prime Minister Theresa May raised concerns with U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday over leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester suicide bombing, a British government source said.

May 25, 2017, 23:50 PM IST

US President Donald Trump meets EU leaders in Brussels

US President Donald Trump on Thursday met leaders of the main European Union institutions here as part of his first international tour after taking office in January.

May 25, 2017, 18:02 PM IST

Donald Trump faces rougher reception in NATO, EU meetings

Trump will meet Europe`s chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk.

May 25, 2017, 10:05 AM IST

Donald Trump promises peace push after talk with Pope Francis

Donald Trump vowed Wednesday to use his US presidency to promote peace around the world after what he depicted as an inspirational meeting with an initially grim-faced Pope Francis.


May 24, 2017, 21:09 PM IST