Five simple changes in lifestyle can keep your blood pressure under control

Jul 11, 2016, 05:07 AM IST

New Delhi: High blood pressure is a silent killer. It not only invites many heart diseases but also increases risk of stroke.  Millions of adults worldwide are living with hypertension or high blood pressure but only few of them have it under control. Fortunately, this deadly disease can be treated by adopting some simple lifestyle modifications.

Here are ways to reduce the risk of high blood pressure:


Cut that extra flab

Cut that extra flab

Limit the intake of calories in your diet. Try to maintain a healthy body weight (Body Mass Index of 18.5-24.9). 


Adopt DASH eating plan

Adopt DASH eating plan

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is a flexible and balanced eating plan that encourages heart-healthy style of eating. This diet is rich in fruits, vegetables and low fat milk products with reduced saturated fat intake.


Limit sodium intake

Limit sodium intake

Excess of sodium in the body absorbs excess of fluid due to its retention property and that creates an extra burden on the heart. Try to reduce its consumption to less than less than 2,300 milligrams per day. 


Exercise daily

Exercise daily

Physical workout keeps your heart muscles healthy. A morning exercise for 30 minutes can help the heart pump blood efficiently around the body.


Reduce alcohol consumption

Reduce alcohol consumption

Moderate or zero alcohol consumption has loads of feel-good benefits. Cutting down alcohol intake can protect against cardiovascular diseases.

By- Shruti Mishra