Yazidi women

'Virgin, beautiful, 12-year-old girls on sale' – Islamic State's ad on WhatsApp, Telegram

On a chat on WhatsApp, an ISIS militant offers a woman and her children for sale.

Jul 06, 2016, 11:22 AM IST

ISIS issues rules for raping, enslaving women

Islamic State has issued the rules and regulations for "owners" of female slaves and female children to have sex with them.

Dec 31, 2015, 16:02 PM IST

Watch – Islamic State militants drag girls, women by hair; separate them from their kin to pacify sexual urges

Savagery under Islamic State rule has no limit. In a recent act of brutality, Islamic State militants were seen dragging a group of girls and women away from their families to pacify their sexual urges.

Dec 20, 2015, 16:16 PM IST