
'Punish a Muslim Day' hate letter sparks online outrage in the UK

The letter offers 'points' - 10 to verbally abuse a Muslim and 2500 to nuke Mecca.

Mar 14, 2018, 08:31 AM IST

Kansas shooting: UN chief denounces xenophobia, Islamophobia

UN chief Antonio Guterres strongly denounces xenophobia and Islamophobia, his spokesperson said in the wake of the alleged racially motivated shooting of an Indian engineer in the US.

Feb 25, 2017, 14:09 PM IST

Boatpeople policy tarnishes Australia rights record: UN

Australia`s "punitive approach" to boatpeople has tarnished its human rights record, the United Nations said on Friday as it voiced concern that xenophobia and hate speech was on the rise.

Nov 18, 2016, 08:38 AM IST

Indian brothers slam `hate speech` as South Africa graft scandal broils

The Indian brothers who are accused of corrupting South African President Jacob Zuma lashed out Friday at "xenophobic and hate speech" against them, and denied benefiting from links to the government.

Mar 18, 2016, 20:41 PM IST