women in Afghanistan

DNA: New Rule for Women in Afghanistan

The Taliban government has imposed new and strict restrictions on women in Afghanistan.

Aug 27, 2024, 00:42 AM IST

DNA: Afghanistan has become hell for women

15 August 2021 Taliban returned to Afghanistan about 16 months ago. So along with it fear and dread also returned to Afghanistan with a population of 40 million. Now in Afghanistan, no Indian or foreign women will work in any NGO. If any NGO will not obey this order of the government. Then his license will be cancelled.

Dec 28, 2022, 23:58 PM IST

Namaste India: Taliban issues another decree against women in Afghanistan

Taliban has issued another decree against women in Afghanistan. Now an order has been issued to ban university education for women.

Dec 21, 2022, 10:14 AM IST

Taliban bans women from going to parks and gyms in Afghanistan

The Taliban has issued a new decree in Afghanistan. The Taliban have banned women from going to parks and gyms in Afghanistan.

Nov 11, 2022, 09:46 AM IST

Afghanistan: Women imprisoned in burqa in Taliban

The Taliban occupied Afghanistan for the first time in 1996. In August 2021, the Taliban once again came back to power. But the big question is how different this time's Taliban is from the 90s Taliban.

Aug 17, 2022, 11:24 AM IST

Taliban prohibiting women from operating as aid workers in Afghanistan: Human Rights Watch

"The Taliban's severe restrictions on women aid workers are preventing desperately needed lifesaving aid from reaching Afghans, especially women, girls, and women-headed households," associate women's rights director at Human Rights Watch, Heather Barr told a local news agency

Nov 06, 2021, 10:48 AM IST

Afghanistan Crisis: Women rebel against Taliban's hijab restrictions

Within five days of the Taliban's occupation of Afghanistan, there were at least two small protests by women in Kabul. On 17 August, four women protested in the streets of Kabul, while seven women protested the next day in the city's Wazi Akbar Khan area to mark the Afghan independence day.

Aug 23, 2021, 10:42 AM IST

Taliban's first fatwa: Bans co-education in Afghanistan's Herat, calls it 'root of all evils'

The decision was reportedly taken after a meeting between Taliban authorities, university professors and owners of private institutions. Taliban representative and Head of Higher Education, Afghanistan, Mullah Farid, also said that virtuous female lecturers would be allowed to teach only female students but not the male ones.

Aug 21, 2021, 18:19 PM IST