
Donald Trump may reinstate torture technique waterboarding, says 'it absolutely works'

US President Donald Trump has suggested he may consider reinstating waterboarding and other interrogation techniques widely seen as torture, depending on the advice of CIA and Pentagon chiefs, saying he wants to "fight fire with fire" when it comes to terrorism.

Jan 26, 2017, 10:49 AM IST

Republican candidate Trump reverses stance on torture: WSJ

In a Republican presidential debate on Thursday night, Trump indicated he might order the US military to break the law on interrogation tactics including waterboarding.

Mar 05, 2016, 02:41 AM IST

Trump calls for waterboarding, other methods in US fight against ISIS

US Republican White House front-runner Donald Trump said on Sunday he would be open to harsh measures to deal with the threat from Islamic State, including going beyond the controversial interrogation tactic known as waterboarding .

Feb 08, 2016, 10:00 AM IST