Venezuela news

DNA: Disadvantages of Freebie Politics in India

If the politics of freebies is not stopped in India and the weak leadership of the states is not improved, then these situations can happen again in India too. Venezuela is the biggest example of how free politics can make a rich country pauper.

Jul 27, 2022, 00:06 AM IST

Nicolas Maduro snubbed at Venezuela vote: 'Person does not exist'

More than 100 people have died in four months of protests against Nicolas ​Maduro's government.

Jul 31, 2017, 07:44 AM IST

Venezuela vote triggers deadly `war` in the streets

A wave of bloodshed swept Venezuela on Sunday as troops cracked down on violent protests against elections to choose the members of a powerful assembly that President Nicolas Maduro has tasked with writing a new Constitution.

Jul 31, 2017, 06:28 AM IST