US President Donald Trump

When PM Modi lauded Sania, Saina and Sindhu on a global stage

Ivanka praised PM Modi for his belief that progress of humanity is incomplete without the empowerment of women.

Nov 28, 2017, 18:04 PM IST

Trump likes Modi, says White House as India-US ties grow

As India-US ties grow over common issues including trade and terrorism, Trump administration's latest statement on Narendra Modi is bound to make the Indian Prime Minister smile.

Nov 14, 2017, 08:04 AM IST

'For the future of Asia, humanity': PM Modi, President Trump bilateral meet

The two leaders met on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit in Manila

Nov 13, 2017, 14:45 PM IST

Trump offers to mediate in South China Sea row

Trump's surprise proposal to insert himself into the decades-long row risked a backlash from China, which has repeatedly said the United States has no role to play in what it insists is a series of bilateral issues.

Nov 12, 2017, 22:50 PM IST

Donald Trump praises Saudi rulers after mass arrests for corruption

US President Donald Trump on Monday endorsed a move by Saudi Arabia’s future king who tightened his grip on power through an anti-corruption purge by arresting royals, ministers and investors.

Nov 07, 2017, 07:22 AM IST

Trump says unsure if Tillerson will remain secretary of state

In an interview on Fox News, Trump attacked the department under Tillerson, the secretary of state, and said he alone determines US foreign policy. 

Nov 03, 2017, 20:47 PM IST

Over a telecon, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US President Donald Trump vow to fight terrorism together

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump vowed during a phone call to continue jointly fighting terrorism, according to the White House.

Nov 02, 2017, 07:47 AM IST

Will release all JFK files to end 'conspiracy theories': Trump

Trump said this in a tweet a day after the National Archives, at his direction, released more than 2,800 secret files related to the assassination of Kennedy on November 22, 1963.

Oct 28, 2017, 22:32 PM IST

Israeli PM 'embraces' Trump's call on Iran nuclear deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has congratulated US President Trump for his decision not to re-certify the Iran nuclear deal.

Oct 14, 2017, 10:29 AM IST

Germany seeks to maintain unity if US decertifies Iran N-deal

"If ... an important country like the United States comes to a different conclusion as appears to be the case, we will work even harder with other partners to maintain this cohesion," a government spokesman said.

Oct 13, 2017, 16:10 PM IST

Trump left now with 'just one' option on North Korea

It "hasn`t worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of US negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!" Trump said.

Oct 08, 2017, 08:00 AM IST

Meet Madame Giselle, alleged Trump advisor and wife of 2 world leaders

Giselle told people she was like a mother to Ivanka Trump – Donald Trump's daughter, and the secret wife of Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi

Sep 20, 2017, 13:46 PM IST

US President Donald Trump confirms November trip to China, Japan, S.Korea

US President Donald Trump confirmed that he will travel in November to China, South Korea and Japan as part of his Asia tour, media reports said.

Sep 15, 2017, 07:36 AM IST

US President Donald Trump likely to visit China during November Asia trip: US official

US President Donald Trump is likely to make a stop in China in November during his first official visit to Asia, a U.S. official said on Tuesday, a trip that will come amid tensions over North Korea`s nuclear tests.

Sep 13, 2017, 08:34 AM IST

US President Donald Trump, Democrats reach agreement on debt, funding

US President Donald Trump and Democratic congressional leaders announced a mutual agreement to raise the debt ceiling and fund the federal government until December, including almost $8 billion in aid for those people affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Sep 07, 2017, 08:00 AM IST

North Korea 'embarrassment' to China, appeasement won't work: Trump

Trump said the latest nuclear test by the North - its sixth - showed that "their words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous" to the United States.

Sep 03, 2017, 22:02 PM IST

Trump picks Kenneth Juster to be next US ambassador to India

The White House announced Trump intends to nominate Richard Grenell to be ambassador of Germany, and Kenneth Juster to be ambassador to India.

Sep 02, 2017, 23:45 PM IST

US President Donald Trump re-election campaign releases ad attacking 'enemies'

Trump declared his intention to run for re-election at the very beginning of his presidency and has taken part in several campaign events, including holding a $35,000-per-seat fundraiser in June.

Aug 14, 2017, 12:27 PM IST

Venezuela rejects US President Donald Trump's threats of violence

Several Venezuelans also dismissed Donald Trump`s words as "imperial interference."

Aug 13, 2017, 09:09 AM IST

Latin America slams Trump's Venezuela 'military options' threat

Following Trump`s comment on Friday that military intervention in Venezuela was an option, Maduro`s critics are caught between backing the idea of a foreign invasion of Venezuela or supporting a president they call a dictator.

Aug 13, 2017, 00:36 AM IST