US elections 2016

High-level probe clears Trump of colluding with Russians before US elections

Mueller said he would leave it to the attorney general to decide whether a crime was committed.

Mar 25, 2019, 06:21 AM IST

I have absolute right to pardon myself, but have done nothing wrong: Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump, currently facing a probe over involvement of Russia in the 2016 US elections, has asserted that he has “absolute right to pardon” himself. However, the US President has also said that he doesn’t need to exercise his right as he has “done nothing wrong”.

Jun 04, 2018, 19:00 PM IST

'India can't abruptly give up Russian arms': Scramble in the US to prevent Russia sanctions from affecting US-India relationship

Provisions of a recent US law to impose sanctions on Russia have also put India squarely on the path to US sanctions.

Mar 16, 2018, 08:14 AM IST

Donald Trump sails past 270 votes, cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests

Donald Trump on Monday cruised through the final vote of the Electoral College to formally become US President-elect.

Dec 20, 2016, 04:21 AM IST

'Donald Trump said he didn't expect to stay in race past Oct 2015'

Donald Trump told New Jersey Governor Chris Christie just months after he launched his presidential campaign in June 2015 that he did not expect to stay in the race past October of that year, a new book claims.

Nov 15, 2016, 17:09 PM IST

Donald Trump to forgo salary as US president

Republican billionaire Donald Trump said in an interview broadcast Sunday he would forgo the $400,000 salary that comes with the US president`s job.

Nov 14, 2016, 05:55 AM IST

Trump's election leaves American Muslims reeling and scared

On the morning after the election, Alia Ali had a sickening feeling as she headed to her job as a secretary at a New York City public school, her hijab in place as usual.

Nov 14, 2016, 01:13 AM IST

Pence's transition job could signal key role in White House

President-elect Donald Trump's decision to empower his running mate Mike Pence to steer the presidential transition gives the soon-to-be vice president a powerful hand in shaping the incoming government and could foreshadow that he will play an outsized role in the White House.

Nov 14, 2016, 00:33 AM IST

FBI delivered double whammy to my presidential candidacy in final days of campaign, Hillary Clinton tells donors

Hillary Clinton told donors that the FBI delivered a double whammy to her presidential candidacy in the final days of the campaign by taking another look at emails related to her private server before abruptly saying he found no wrongdoing.

Nov 13, 2016, 09:06 AM IST

Clinton blames FBI director Comey for loss: Reports

Hillary Clinton has blamed FBI director James Comey for her loss in the US presidential race, claiming that re-opening the probe into her email use broke the momentum towards victory.

Nov 13, 2016, 04:39 AM IST

Man shot during anti-Trump protest in US

A man sustained a gunshot wound during a protest in Portland, Oregon, where hundreds of people took to the streets to show their rejection of Donald Trump`s election as US president.

Nov 13, 2016, 01:17 AM IST

Donald Trump open to keeping 'amended' version of Obamacare: Report

Donald Trump has indicated that he will consider retaining an "amended" version of the Affordable Care Act, a marked shift in stance on his major campaign promise of repealing President Barack Obama's flagship healthcare law.

Nov 12, 2016, 09:22 AM IST

US voter turnout at 20-year low in 2016

Voter turnout in the US this year dipped to nearly its lowest point in 20 years, a media report said.

Nov 12, 2016, 09:05 AM IST

H-1B visa issue may affect Indo-US ties under Donald Trump

Donald Trump's administration would build on progress made in Indo-US ties and be less tolerant of Pakistan's "dual policies" on terror, but the issue of H-1B visas could be a potential area of friction with New Delhi, a noted US expert on South Asian issues has said.

Nov 12, 2016, 07:45 AM IST

More anti-Trump protests in New York City

Demonstrators took to the streets in New York City to oppose Donald Trump`s election as US president for a fourth straight day Friday.

Nov 12, 2016, 05:46 AM IST

Obama urges nation to 'forge unity' after bitter election

Three days after Election Day, President Barack Obama used his last Veterans Day speech to urge Americans to learn from the example of veterans as a divided nation seeks to "forge unity" after the bitter 2016 campaign.

Nov 12, 2016, 04:47 AM IST

Mexico`s peso plummets to new low on Trump effect

The Mexican peso endured one of its worst week in two decades, falling to a new record low on Friday over concerns about President-elect Donald Trump`s economic policies.

Nov 12, 2016, 04:46 AM IST

Trump doesn`t rule out `amended` Obamacare: WSJ

US President-elect Donald Trump has said he will consider an "amended" version of Barack Obama`s signature health care law -- a sign of a shift in position after repeatedly vowing on the campaign trail that he would repeal the measure.

Nov 12, 2016, 02:28 AM IST

In shakeup, VP-elect Pence to head Trump transition team

Donald Trump shook up his White House transition team today, appointing running mate Mike Pence to head the process of filling key administration posts, and demoting New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to a deputy role.

Nov 12, 2016, 02:07 AM IST

Mark Zuckerberg: That Facebook influenced election is 'crazy'

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the idea that fake news spread on Facebook influenced the outcome of the US election is "crazy."

Nov 12, 2016, 01:53 AM IST