UN official

Senior UN official to make rare visit to North Korea: Official

A top UN official will travel to North Korea this week for talks with officials there, a UN spokesman said Monday, amid heightened tensions over Pyongyang`s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

Dec 05, 2017, 00:44 AM IST

Rohtak gang rape: Outrage is not enough, end culture of impunity, says UN official

The 21-year old girl has told investigators that she was not only drugged and gang-raped, but that two of her attackers had drugged and raped her three years earlier. 

Jul 21, 2016, 09:04 AM IST

Envoy suspended Syria talks over Russian escalation: UN official

​De Mistura halted until Feb. 25 his attempts to conduct Syrian peace talks after the army, backed by Russian air strikes, advanced against rebel forces north of Aleppo on Wednesday, choking opposition supply lines from Turkey to the city.

Feb 04, 2016, 04:45 AM IST

UN official calls refugee crisis 'crisis of values'

 A top international protection expert for the UN refugee agency UNHCR on Thursday warned of growing risks of the lack of commitment from governments worldwide to the core human rights and rule of law principles and called the current refugee crisis "a crisis of values".

Oct 09, 2015, 07:23 AM IST

UN official says Jerusalem situation worrying

A senior UN official has expressed worries about the "incitement and violence" in Jerusalem, calling on both Palestinians and Israelis to "enforce restraint and respect of the sanctity of the area”.

Sep 14, 2015, 04:22 AM IST