UK Brexit

UK preparing 'full armoury of economic policy' for no-deal Brexit

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has split parliament, his party and the electorate by promising to deliver Brexit on Oct. 31, with or without a transition agreement - potentially risking food, medicine and fuel shortages. 

Sep 30, 2019, 21:28 PM IST

Stop Brexit: 700,000 sign UK petition to stay in EU

EU leaders will tell May on Thursday she can have two months to organise an orderly Brexit.

Mar 21, 2019, 17:27 PM IST

Under pressure, Britain's May scrambles to win support for Brexit deal

After parliament backed a move to delay Brexit, May still has only three days to win approval for her deal to leave the European Union.

Mar 17, 2019, 19:34 PM IST

Theresa May suffers crushing defeat over Brexit deal, oppn calls for no confidence vote

After parliament voted 432-202 against her deal, the worst defeat in modern British history, opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn promptly called a vote of no confidence in May's government

Jan 16, 2019, 06:27 AM IST

Brexit not the end of European Union, Juncker says

The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, sought on Wednesday to rally support for the European Union, saying the bloc battered by the UK Brexit referendum was not about to break up despite its existential crisis.

Sep 14, 2016, 15:40 PM IST