
F-22 Raptors vs Tu-95MS and Sukhoi Su-35s: US and Russian jets' closest aerial encounter in years

According to the NORAD press release, two Russian Tu-95MS bombers were intercepted by two F-22s while the second group of bombers escorted by two Su-35 fighters was intercepted later by two additional F-22s with the E-3 provided overall surveillance to the American jets.

Jun 11, 2020, 11:04 AM IST

Russia starts work on stealth nuclear bomber PAK DA as Sukhoi Su-57 fighter enters service

Russia is modernising its military at an extremely fast pace and has now started constructing its first strategic stealth bomber, capable of delivering nuclear weapons, under the Perspective Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation (PAK DA) programme. The strategic stealth bomber, the second 5th Generation combat aircraft from Russia after the Sukhoi Su-57 supersonic fighter, will eventually replace the currents set of strategic bombers Tupolev Tu 22, Tu-95 and Tu-160.

May 26, 2020, 10:14 AM IST