
Cancer-fighting nanorobots can seek, destroy tumours

Until now, the challenge to advancing nanomedicine has been difficult because scientists wanted to design, build and carefully control nanorobots to actively seek and destroy cancerous tumors - while not harming any healthy cells.

Feb 13, 2018, 13:34 PM IST

Breakthrough? Nine-year-long research finds evidence linking sugar to cancer

Using yeast as a model organism, researchers examined the connection between Ras activity and the highly active sugar metabolism in yeast.

Oct 16, 2017, 18:48 PM IST

Genetic syndrome behind formation of tumours identified by scientists

This new genetic syndrome is caused by alterations in the gene that predisposes the body to form tumours early on.

Sep 23, 2017, 15:59 PM IST

Shocking! 50 tumours removed from woman's uterus after three-hour surgery

The woman has been suffering from heavy and painful menstrual cycle for several years.

Aug 19, 2017, 23:32 PM IST

Beware women! Working night shifts may up breast cancer risk

A new study has claimed that women who work in night shifts have increased risk of developing breast cancer, as artificial light blocks a hormone that plays a key role in suppressing growth of its tumours.

Aug 17, 2017, 21:33 PM IST

Tailor-made cancer `vaccine` proves safe in trials

The vaccines also triggered an immune response to tumour cells, they said, although this does not necessarily equate to a cure.

Jul 06, 2017, 16:34 PM IST

This man looks a decade younger than his real age! Know why

Tomislav Jurcec has a fault with his pituitary gland at the base of his brain, which controls growth and ageing.

Jun 29, 2017, 22:46 PM IST

Cancer hijacks natural cell process to survive: Study

NMD is known among the medical community for the role it plays in the development of genetic diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and some hereditary forms of cancers.

Jun 26, 2017, 20:46 PM IST

This new experimental treatment for ovarian cancer seems 'promising'

The new drug mimics folic acid to attack ovarian cancer cells.

Jun 03, 2017, 16:20 PM IST

People call her 'elephant face' due to facial tumours, online medium gives her love – Read the ordeal of 48-year-old Liu Ying

Liu Ying has been nicknamed 'elephant face' as she suffers from a rare disease called neurofibromatosis, where tumour grows along the nerves.

May 26, 2017, 21:50 PM IST

'New tumour-shrinking nanoparticle to fight cancer'

Breast cancers with higher levels of HER2 protein are known to grow aggressively and spread more quickly than those without the mutation.

May 03, 2017, 00:29 AM IST

This new drug delivery method may pave way for better cancer therapy

 This is a good news for people suffering with cancer as they may soon face better therapy with the coming of a new drug delivery method.

Mar 18, 2017, 00:02 AM IST

Inherited genes may cause more cancer than previously thought

 The study was coordinated by the Veronese multi centre team of Arc-Net, led by Professor Aldo Scarpa, which brought together pancreatic cancer expertise from around the world.

Feb 17, 2017, 00:14 AM IST

Brain cancer has a new cure – combination of drugs

They also discovered a new mechanism by which the combination promotes long-term immunity against glioblastoma tumours.

Feb 16, 2017, 15:57 PM IST

Human cells with 'built-in circuit' can kill cancer cells

Researchers have engineered cells with a "built-in genetic circuit" that produces a molecule that impairs the ability of cancer cells to survive and grow in their low oxygen environment.

Nov 26, 2016, 18:53 PM IST

New superparamagnetic crystals to manage future drug delivery

 Researchers have developed new superparamagnetic crystals that could zip down drugs around your body, revolutionising drug delivery to tumours and other sites in the body that need to be targeted precisely.

Nov 16, 2016, 00:39 AM IST

Why some tumours evade immunotherapy

The researchers found that when the tumour recurred, a particular molecule on the cell surface -- called the epitope -- was no longer present on the cell surface in sufficient quantity.

Oct 10, 2016, 00:22 AM IST

Pancreatic cancer – Awareness of symptoms helps in early treatment

The causes of pancreatic cancer are not known. However, there are some risk factors that make developing pancreatic cancer more likely

Oct 03, 2016, 09:24 AM IST

Decoded! How X-ray damages DNA, causes cancer

Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in the UK have been able to identify in human cancers two characteristic patterns of DNA damage caused by ionising radiation, such as gamma rays, X-rays and radioactive particles.

Sep 12, 2016, 17:03 PM IST

New method that can kill cancer cells in 2 hours developed!

The method involves injecting a chemical compound, nitrobenzaldehyde, into the tumour and allowing it to diffuse into the tissue.

Jun 29, 2016, 08:48 AM IST