TS Thakur

Appointing suitable judges a major challenge: Chief Justice-designate

Chief Justice-designate Justice T.S. Thakur on Wednesday said appointing suitable and good judges was a major challenge, as people feel that by junking the NJAC "we have taken upon ourselves the task to appoint judges to higher judiciary".

Dec 02, 2015, 23:45 PM IST

Selecting judges now tougher: CJI-designate

Praising the outgoing CJI for his hard work and sincerity, Justice TS​ Thakur said in his tenure, HL Dattu has reduced the pendency of cases from 64,000 to 58,000.

Dec 02, 2015, 22:37 PM IST

Tolerance must be ensured for India to be next superpower: CJI-designate

Justice Thakur said proper observance of these factors has been a part of India's democratic tradition and is the "greatest security" that the country can claim.

Nov 06, 2015, 00:09 AM IST