Thai boys

Thai boys, soccer team coach discharged from hospital, make first public appearance

The ordeal of the 12 members of Thai football team and their coach stranded in a flooded in the Tham Luan Nang Non cave since June 23 has gripped the world.

Jul 18, 2018, 17:24 PM IST

Watch: Staff gets emotional as rescued Thai Boys wave and smile from hospital beds

An emotional video of hospital staff watching the Thai boys rescued from a flooded cave was released by the Thai government on Wednesday. The government also released video of the boys from their hospital beds, smiling and waving at the camera.

Jul 11, 2018, 21:32 PM IST

A race against time: Rescuers' struggle to reach 12 Thai boys amid threat of more rains

Rescue teams have begun imparting crash courses in swimming and diving to the young soccer team to help them undertake the complex underwater journey.

Jul 05, 2018, 19:44 PM IST