Fukushima operator gets first safety approval since 2011 disaster

The operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant cleared a major regulatory hurdle today to restart two reactors in Japan, its first since the 2011 tsunami sparked the worst atomic accident in decades.

Oct 04, 2017, 13:57 PM IST

Japan government not responsible for Fukushima: Court

In June, three former TEPCO executives went on trial, the only people ever to face a criminal court in connection with the disaster.

Sep 22, 2017, 13:19 PM IST

Japan court rules government liable for Fukushima disaster

A massive tsunami triggered by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake smashed into the Fukushima Daiichi power plant on Japan`s northeastern coast on March 11, 2011.

Mar 17, 2017, 15:31 PM IST

Japan: Containing Fukushima's radioactive water may be 9-year fight

After battling radioactive water leaks for five years at Japan's crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant, the utility that ran it says it will need another four to finish the job.

Mar 08, 2016, 17:30 PM IST

Fukushima dumps first batch of once-radioactive water in sea

Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant today began releasing previously contaminated water into the sea, but the man tasked with preventing another meltdown warned other highly radioactive fluid still stored on site could pose a major threat.

Sep 14, 2015, 19:22 PM IST