Stress and anxiety

Stress Awareness Month: 5 Essential Tips For Gen Z Employees To Manage Workplace Tension

With April being Stress Awareness Month, here are some simple ways to manage your stress levels at work and keep your worries at bay. Read more to seek expert advice on maintaining your mental and emotional health at work.

Apr 20, 2024, 13:37 PM IST

Feeling The 'Blues' At Work? 5 Tips To Increase Productivity And Motivation

Providing workers with the freedom to be their bosses increases motivation and creativity by fostering autonomy. Here is a short guide on ways to beat the stress at work and keep up the productivity, read on.


Mar 28, 2024, 12:23 PM IST

Stress And Anxiety Management: 5 Coping Strategies To Improve Your Mental Health

Label, accept and deep dive into anxiety and work on releasing it with the help of a therapist, disciplined self-care routines, sleep hygiene, nutrition and exercise, meditation and a healthy support system can take us a long way. Learn how.


Mar 19, 2024, 13:14 PM IST

Unwind After Work: 5 Effective Ways To Destress After Hectic Day In Office

Feeling frazzled after a long day? Here are some ways you can relax and destress your body and mind after a hectic day in the office.

Mar 05, 2024, 17:22 PM IST

From Burnout To Balance: Proven Stress Management Techniques For A More Productive Work Environment

Feeling overwhelmed at work? Worry not! Here is a quick guide to managing stress at office and exploring strategies for a calmer, balanced work life.

Nov 21, 2023, 17:07 PM IST

World Mental Health Day 2023: 10 Tactics To Help Your Child Navigate Anxiety At School

Children may experience physical symptoms like headaches, stomachaches, sleep disturbances, or loss of appetite due to the stress associated with academic performance. Here are simple and expert tips to help them manage their menta health early in life.


Oct 10, 2023, 12:48 PM IST

Digital Detox: Can Reading Books Improve Mental Health And Help Cope With Stress? Read How

Reading books offers a digital escape, reduces stress, enhances focus, fosters empathy, and promotes a balanced lifestyle for mental wellness.

Sep 18, 2023, 16:06 PM IST

Yoga For Panic Attacks: Building Resilience Through Breath-Work And Movement- With Yoga Asanas

Yoga is much more than a physical exercise routine; it is a holistic approach to health and well-being that has been proven effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. Here's how.

Sep 12, 2023, 13:29 PM IST

7 Mood-Boosting Foods To Make Your Happy And Healthy

While factors like stress and life's demands can sometimes bring us down, incorporating mood-boosting foods into our diet can make a significant difference. Here are easily available food items that can help pump those happy hormones.

Sep 02, 2023, 12:33 PM IST

Feeling Socially Awkward At Work? 3 Things To Keep In Mind To Handle Uncomfortable Situations In Office

Uncomfortable moments arise at work due to a misleading text or a an unintended gesture. Here are some important things you must keep in mind before handling an uncomfortable situaltion in office.


Aug 22, 2023, 19:21 PM IST

Exclusive- Mental Health: Tips To Manage Anxiety To Achieve Mental Clarity With Mindfulness

Mindfulness not only reduces stress and anxiety but also enhances focus and mood, leading to a healthier life overall. Here are expert tips to manage daily anxiety and acieve mental balance.


Aug 13, 2023, 12:16 PM IST

Uncovering The Risk Of Early Death From Bipolar Disorder

A recent study provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the risk of early death from bipolar disorder which is 6 times! Including information on the causes, symptoms, and treatments available.

Jul 19, 2023, 16:16 PM IST

Can Heat Trigger Mental Health Issues? Experts Explain

There are multiple potential health risks associated with extreme heat exposure, so here we bring you tips on how to reduce the risk of developing mental health issues given by experts at KGMU. Read more to find out.


May 24, 2023, 20:18 PM IST

Feeling Anxious? Try 4 Calming Fragrances For Relieving Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can rid you of the everyday joys of life and can hinder your life goals at times. Know about the natural scents that will not only make your home smell amazing but also help you to feel less stressed and anxious.


May 15, 2023, 18:34 PM IST

Feeling Stressed Lately? Check 10 Books Which May Help You De-Stress

Stress can be bad for our health, relationships, self-esteem, and quality of life; Check self-help books that focus on stress management which can be advantageous for your mental health. 

May 08, 2023, 13:46 PM IST

The Importance Of Protecting Mental Health During Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Pregnancy is a life-changing experience for women, as they prepare to bring a new life into the world, a time of- great joy and anticipation but it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. Here are some ways in which expecting mothers can protect their mental health during pregnancy, read on.

May 06, 2023, 19:55 PM IST

World Asthma Day 2023: 3 Yoga Asanas And Meditation Practices To Manage Asthma-Related Stress

World Asthma Day is observed on the first Tuesday of May every year and in 2023, it is being observed on May 2. Tension and anxiety caused by asthma can be addressed by following a healthy lifestyle, shares experts. Let's find out.

May 02, 2023, 07:57 AM IST

Enhance Your Memory: The Positive Effects Of Music On Your Brain Function

Many people find music helps them concentrate while studying and working. We bring you an expert to share how music therapy can put a positive effect on your brain's cognitive skills, read on.

Apr 18, 2023, 17:58 PM IST