south stars

Suchitra Karthik LEAKS private pictures of Dhanush, Hansika Motwani and other south stars; claims Twitter account hacked!

In a startling incident, south playback singer and radio jockey Suchitra Karthik's Twitter timeline saw some sensational pictures of the stars from the southern film industry floating all over. And this came as a shocker to many, wondering why was she leaking out the private pictures on social media.

Mar 04, 2017, 12:57 PM IST

Jallikattu row: Rajinikanth joins massive protest supporting traditional bull sport

The ongoing massive protests to show solidarity over Jallikattu has now got superstar Rajinikanth backing it up openly. Thalaiva has reportedly joined the Makkal movement as a huge sign of extending his unconditional support to the people of Tamil Nadu who have been peacefully protesting against the ban on traditional bull sport Jallikattu.

Jan 20, 2017, 12:43 PM IST