Social Democrats

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's party narrowly loses elections to Social Democrats

The center-left Social Democrats (SPD) were on track for 26.0% of the vote, ahead of 24.5% for Merkel`s CDU/CSU conservative bloc, projections for broadcaster ZDF showed, but both groups believed they could lead the next government.

Sep 27, 2021, 08:27 AM IST

Threat of collapse looms over German coalition after crisis talks fail to resolve migrant row

The main options then look like a Merkel-led minority government or a new election. Merkel, who has been chancellor for nearly 13 years, may also lose support in her own CDU

Jun 27, 2018, 16:03 PM IST

Germany to start work on trade, China, Syria war: Merkel

Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday she would work with France to tackle pressing issues such as trade policy, the war in Syria and competition with China.

Mar 06, 2018, 00:39 AM IST

Angela Merkel quells party rebellion ahead of coalition deal vote

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will put a hard-fought coalition deal to a vote Monday by her conservative party, which is expected to give its approval after she moved to quash a right-wing rebellion.

Feb 26, 2018, 15:38 PM IST

Angela Merkel's fate in SPD hands as members vote on power pact

Germany's Social Democrats start campaigning Saturday ahead of a party referendum that spells the last threat to Chancellor Angela Merkel's hopes of forming a new government, five months after inconclusive elections.

Feb 17, 2018, 09:34 AM IST

Angela Merkel upbeat as coalition talks with Germany's Social Democrat start

Even after four months of the general election, Berlin is still waiting to have a new govt.

Jan 26, 2018, 14:35 PM IST

Germany`s SPD to decide on talks for new Merkel govt

Party chief Martin Schulz will ask the deeply divided SPD to give him the green light for exploratory talks on joining Merkel in another coalition government starting in early 2018.

Dec 07, 2017, 15:21 PM IST

Momentum grows for another grand coalition in Germany

Members of Germany`s Social Democrats (SPD) will likely approve a renewed coalition with Chancellor Angela Merkel`s conservatives if party leaders present a convincing proposal, a member of the party`s executive leadership said on Saturday.

Nov 25, 2017, 10:16 AM IST

German Social Democrats under pressure to form grand coalition with Angela Merkel's conservatives

Merkel is facing the biggest political crisis of her career since efforts to forge a three-way coalition with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and Greens collapsed last weekend.

Nov 24, 2017, 09:01 AM IST

Sebastian Kurz: World's youngest leader in waiting

Kurz`s ideas on everything from immigration to economic policy represent a "complete rupture" with the EU.

Oct 16, 2017, 18:33 PM IST

Vote winner Angela Merkel faces tricky coalition talks, hard-right 'earthquake'

After 12 years in power and running on a promise of stability and continuity, Merkel`s CDU/CSU bloc scored 32.9 per cent, against 20.8 per cent for the Social Democrats under challenger Martin Schulz.

Sep 25, 2017, 08:40 AM IST

Angela Merkel, Martin Schulz urge undecided Germans to vote with far right gaining

A new INSA poll published by Bild newspaper showed declining support for both Merkel`s conservatives, who dropped two percentage points to 34 per cent, and the SPD, down one point to 21 per cent. 

Sep 23, 2017, 17:47 PM IST

German Parliament passes controversial hate speech bill

Under Germany's prevailing legal framework, hate speech includes the incitement to kill or be violent, threatening speech, abusive language, and sedition.

Jul 01, 2017, 08:47 AM IST

Germany legalises same-sex marriage, Chancellor Angela Merkel Merkel votes against

The election-year bill was pushed by Merkel's leftist rivals, who pounced on comments she made early this week suggesting a policy U-turn -- a manoeuvre that left her conservative lawmakers fuming.

Jun 30, 2017, 15:17 PM IST

Angela Merkel's conservatives extend lead over Social Democrats: Poll

German Chancellor Angela Merkel`s conservatives have extended their lead over the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) to 12 percentage points, a poll showed on Wednesday, almost four months before a federal election.

May 17, 2017, 11:55 AM IST

Merkel's party easily beats centre-left in state poll

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's party easily won a regional election Sunday, dealing an early blow to centre-left hopes of ending her more than decade-long reign.

Mar 27, 2017, 00:13 AM IST

Merkel's conservatives stronger than Germany's Social Democrats: Poll

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives would win more votes than the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) if an election were to be held this Sunday, a survey showed, six months before a national vote in Europe's political and economic powerhouse.

Mar 23, 2017, 16:36 PM IST

German state vote a first signal for Angela Merkel's poll showdown

A German regional vote Sunday will be the first litmus test in an election year where Chancellor Angela Merkel faces her toughest challenge yet from the resurgent Social Democrats.

Mar 23, 2017, 10:31 AM IST

German Social Democrats steady just behind Merkel's conservatives: Poll

In a direct matchup, Angela Merkel gained one percentage point to 39 percent support, compared to 36 percent for Martin Schulz.

Mar 15, 2017, 11:53 AM IST

Angela Merkel's conservatives ahead of Social Democrats in latest poll

German Chancellor Angela Merkel`s conservatives were ahead of the Social Democrats (SPD) in the latest poll with just over six months to go before a federal election.

Mar 10, 2017, 13:14 PM IST