Shilpa Shetty funny video

Farah Khan Hilariously Warns ‘Never Sit With Shilpa Shetty On A Flight’ For THIS Reason; Raj Kundra Reacts: ‘I Feel You’

Filmmaker Farah Khan recently posted a funny video on social media featuring Shilpa Shetty, along with a playful caution to never sit beside the actress on a flight.


Aug 23, 2024, 14:28 PM IST

Shilpa Shetty adds ‘Bhangra’ to her workout to burn calories, Raj Kundra, Harbhajan Singh react - Watch video!

The video starts with Raj Kundra bucking up Shilpa and saying to her ‘come on’. After that, we see the 46 years old break into ‘bhangra’ for her workout.

Jun 28, 2021, 13:57 PM IST