sex slavery

Missing for four years, man helps cops rescue sister from red light area

Police raided a red light area in Bihar's Begusarai district and rescued two women who were forced into flesh trade by unscruplous elements. What made the rescue possible was one determined brother who had lost his sister four years ago.

Jan 03, 2018, 22:54 PM IST

Japan recalls South Korea envoy over `comfort woman` statue

Mainstream historians say up to 200,000 women, mostly from Korea but also other parts of Asia including China, were forced to work in Japanese military brothels during World War II.

Jan 06, 2017, 16:19 PM IST

Yazidi victim demands genocide trial for IS leaders

The Yazidis, neither Muslim nor Arab, are an ancient religious minority of more than half a million people concentrated near the Syrian border in northern Iraq.

Jun 28, 2016, 09:04 AM IST

`More women are being trafficked from Bangladesh to Mumbai brothels`

The number of Bengali-speaking commercial sex workers in Mumbai's main red-light district of Kamathipura is at a record high, according to data compiled by Prerana.

Apr 01, 2016, 09:34 AM IST

Yazidi sex slaves recount ordeal: `ISIS terrorists raped 12-year-old without mercy`

They were sold again and again by Islamic State terrorists. The horrific tales of Yazidi sex slaves will send shivers down one's spine.

Jan 19, 2016, 12:49 PM IST

South Korea, Japan to hold talks on wartime sexual slavery

 South Korea and Japan will hold director general-level talks in Tokyo on Friday to discuss militaristic Japan`s sex enslavement of Korean women during the Second World War, Seoul`s foreign ministry said on Thursday.

Sep 17, 2015, 20:01 PM IST