Sea level rise

DNA: Ground Report of Rising Sea Level

The ground under your feet is slipping, but you are not feeling it, but WMO has issued a report, listening to which the ground will be slipping under your feet. Watch the ground report of rising sea level in DNA today.

Feb 15, 2023, 23:12 PM IST

Climate concern: These Indian cities will go 'underwater' in next 10 years

IPCC in its report warned that India must act now or else climate change will result in extreme weather conditions in the country. 

Nov 12, 2021, 15:59 PM IST

Several cities including Mumbai, Chennai can go underwater, warns new IPCC report

A new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on climate change has a serious warning for India and several other countries.

Aug 11, 2021, 12:16 PM IST

Sea level could rise more than 1 metre by 2100 if global emission targets not met, say experts

The risk assessment is based on the increasing body of knowledge of the systems involved and the scientists say it is clear now that previous sea-level rise estimates have been too low.

May 09, 2020, 15:59 PM IST

Extreme flooding-like events will occur every year by 2050, says UN report

Extreme sea level events including flooding, that used to occur once in every 100 years will strike every year on many low-lying areas by 2050, revealed a United Nations report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Sep 26, 2019, 13:45 PM IST

Sea level to rise by 1 meter by year 2100, warns UN

A UN report has warned that if current trends in climate change continue, sea levels could rise by 1 meter by year 2100.

Sep 25, 2019, 16:38 PM IST

Disaster assured: Too late to save 1/3 of world's glaciers, say researchers

Every 1 km you drive in your car will make 2 kg of glacier ice to melt after 2100.

Mar 21, 2018, 15:47 PM IST

Indian Ocean level rising faster than the global estimate

Recent studies by Indian scientists had revealed that the trend of sea level rise in the north Indian Ocean is slightly higher than the global estimate of 3.2 mm per year, Minister of State for Earth Sciences YS Chowdary told the Rajya Sabha in a written reply.

Jul 25, 2017, 10:18 AM IST

Arctic sea could be 'free of ice' by 2040, warn scientists

As per the new research, the Arctic sea has been thawing at a rapid pace over the past three decades, making the ice to fall by more than half.

May 08, 2017, 12:53 PM IST

Sea level rise: Up to 67% of California beaches could be 'severely damaged' by 2100

Beaches in Southern California are a crucial feature of the economy, and the first line of defence against coastal storm impacts for the 18 million residents in the region. 

Mar 30, 2017, 13:54 PM IST

US military bases at risk from sea level rise: Study

US military bases along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico will be increasingly vulnerable to floods and power-packed storms as the planet warms, researchers said on Wednesday.

Jul 28, 2016, 00:49 AM IST

Sea level rise: 40 million Indians at risk; Mumbai and Kolkota to be worst hit, says UN report

The Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-6): Regional Assessments said that the worst impacts of climate change are projected to occur in the Pacific and South and Southeast Asia.

May 20, 2016, 16:17 PM IST

Google, Facebook campuses might be swamped due to sea level rise

Rising sea levels come across as a threatening to submerge the property owned by the much-in-news tech giants.

Apr 22, 2016, 21:02 PM IST

Antarctica: Sea-level rise too big to be pumped away

Sea level rise is likely to be a problem too big to handle as a new study suggests that geoengineers will not be able to pump away the rising tides.

Mar 11, 2016, 10:55 AM IST

Two degrees Celsius warming will spike sea level rise

Using computer modelling, the researchers simulated the ice sheet's response to a warming climate under a range of greenhouse gas emission scenarios.

Oct 19, 2015, 16:46 PM IST