
Saturn moons younger than previously thought: Study

Saturn's moons may be younger than previously thought, says a study based on freshly-harvested data from NASA's Cassini mission.

Dec 08, 2016, 22:37 PM IST

Cassini's grand finale: NASA's Saturn probe makes first 'ring-grazing' plunge

The spacecraft, which began its penultimate mission phase on November 30, crossed through the plane of Saturn's rings on December 4 at 5:09 a.m. PST (8:09 a.m. EST) at a distance of approximately 91,000 kilometres above the planet's cloud tops.

Dec 06, 2016, 11:28 AM IST

Cassini's grand finale: NASA's probe begins 'ring-grazing' orbits to study Saturn's rings

During the first two orbits, the spacecraft will pass directly through an extremely faint ring produced by tiny meteors striking Saturn's two small moons Janus and Epimetheus.

Dec 01, 2016, 10:06 AM IST

NASA's Cassini spacecraft set to explore Saturn's rings

On November 30, Cassini will begin a daring set of Ring-Grazing Orbits, skimming past the outside edge of Saturn's main rings. 

Nov 29, 2016, 19:24 PM IST

Saturn's icy moon 'Mimas' dwarfed by huge rings

The US space agency NASA has released a beautiful image of Saturn's icy moon, Mimas dwarfed by the planet's enormous rings.

Nov 28, 2016, 22:19 PM IST

NASA's Cassini spacecraft to make its closest flyby of Saturn's rings soon!

On many of these passes, Cassini's instruments will attempt to directly sample ring particles and molecules of faint gases that are found close to the rings.  

Nov 23, 2016, 17:02 PM IST

NASA's Cassini spacecraft captures breathtaking view of Saturn's F ring and its moon 'Prometheus'

NASA has released a beautiful image of Saturn's faint ring and its moon Prometheus.

Nov 21, 2016, 23:19 PM IST

Saturn or a watercolour painting? NASA's Cassini beams back image of picturesque swirls on the planet's surface! - See pic

This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 20 degrees above the ring plane.

Nov 14, 2016, 23:37 PM IST

NASA's Cassini captures methane clouds drifting across Saturn's largest moon Titan – Watch!

The observations were made on October 29 and 30, 2016 by the NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Nov 08, 2016, 09:45 AM IST

Four days at Saturn – NASA's Cassini captures stunning images of ringed planet! (Watch)

Measuring the exact length of a Saturn day seems to be one of the big challenges for scientists on NASA's Cassini mission. 

Nov 04, 2016, 13:46 PM IST

Mystery behind birth of Saturn's rings solved

Observations show that Saturn's rings are made of more than 95 per cent icy particles, while the rings of Uranus and Neptune are darker and may have higher rock content.

Nov 01, 2016, 14:40 PM IST

NASA's Cassini probe sees seasonal changes on Saturn's largest moon 'Titan'

 Scientists have said that NASA's Cassini mission has allowed them to observe the pattern of seasonal changes on Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

Oct 21, 2016, 21:40 PM IST

NASA's Cassini captures Saturn's rings in the daylight on the planet's nightside! - See pic

The beauty of the image lies in the fact that the rings also reflect sunlight back onto the night side of the planet, making it appear brighter than it would otherwise.

Oct 11, 2016, 16:56 PM IST

NASA's Cassini unearths evidence of subsurface ocean within Saturn's moon Dione!

The researchers believe that Dione's ocean has probably survived for the whole history of the moon, and thus offers a long-lived habitable zone for microbial life. 

Oct 06, 2016, 11:49 AM IST

Saturn, you beauty! NASA's Cassini captures the planet in all its glory! - See pic

 Faint wisps of cloud visible in the atmosphere give it a mysterious look, as ring shadows trace delicate, curving lines across the planet, at the bottom.

Sep 26, 2016, 21:46 PM IST

Is history repeating itself? NASA discovers 'impossible' ice cloud on Titan again! - See pic

A similar incident occurred decades ago, when the infrared instrument on NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft spotted an ice cloud just like this one on Titan. 

Sep 21, 2016, 10:23 AM IST

NASA's Cassini captures the reign of Pan, Saturn's small moon! - See pic

The view in the image looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 8 degrees above the ring plane.

Sep 20, 2016, 08:53 AM IST

Cassini gets ready for closest-ever observations of Saturn

Beginning on November 30, Cassini's orbit will send the spacecraft just past the outer edge of the main rings. 

Sep 16, 2016, 13:13 PM IST

Behind the shadows: NASA's Cassini captures Saturn's silhouette over its rings in a stunning image!

Just as on Earth, as the sun climbs higher in the sky, shadows get shorter.

Sep 13, 2016, 20:44 PM IST

See pic: Cassini captures delicate glow on Saturn's ring!

To us laymans, it may seem strange and out of place, but for scientists at NASA, the glow holds an interesting reason.

Aug 29, 2016, 23:27 PM IST