Sania Mirza hot pics

Sania Mirza Plays Final Tournament: Top Achievement of Tennis Star, Love Story with Shoaib Malik, in PICS

Indian tennis legend Sania Mirza will be playing in her final tournament of her career at the WTA event in Dubai starting on Monday (February 20). Sania is partnering American tennis player Madison Keys in the doubles event. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at Sania Mirza's top achievements, love story with husband Shoaib Malik and more.

Feb 20, 2023, 09:11 AM IST

Australian Open 2023: Sania Mirza's women's doubles career in Grand Slams OVER with loss in 2nd round

Sania Mirza is still alive in the mixed doubles draw with veteran Rohan Bopanna. The duo had dispatched locals Jaimee Fourlis and Luke Saville 7-5 6-3 in their opening round on Saturday. 

Jan 22, 2023, 12:20 PM IST

From marrying Shoaib Malik to getting death threats for disrespecting Indian national flag - Top 5 controversies involving Sania Mirza - In Pics

In this collection of photos, we will take you through, the top five controversies involving India's star tennis player Sania Mirza.

Jan 07, 2023, 07:12 AM IST

Amid divorce rumours, Sania Mirza to celebrate new year 2023 without husband Shoaib Malik as he leaves for Pakistan after a Dubai stopover

The rumours of their divorce spreading like wildfire, Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik will celebrate new year alone, in Dubai and Pakistan, Read More Here

Dec 28, 2022, 12:56 PM IST

Happy Birthday Sania Mirza: TOP controversies around Indian tennis star, in PICS

Indian tennis legend Sania Mirza is celebrating her 36th birthday on Tuesday (November 15). Sania's husband Shoaib Malik was among the first to wish her amid divorce rumours. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at some of the top controversies around the life and career of Sania Mirza.

Nov 15, 2022, 09:46 AM IST

Sania Mirza changes RETIREMENT plans: TOP achievements of Indian tennis star HERE, in pics

Indian tennis star Sania Mirza has decided to retire from professional tennis at the age of 35 after the US Open 2022 which starts in New York on Monday (August 29). However, Sania has pulled out of US Open due to injury and changed her retirement plans. In these collection of pictures, we take a look at some of TOP achievement of Sania Mirza.

Aug 23, 2022, 09:54 AM IST