Ryszard Czarnecki

Terrorists don't land in J&K from Moon: Polish EU lawmaker Ryszard Czarnecki slams Pakistan

Polish lawmaker Ryszard Czarnecki made these remarks during a special debate of the plenary of the European Parliament.

Sep 18, 2019, 21:14 PM IST

Aggressive China did not anticipate strong Indian response in Doklam: EU Vice President

The Chinese Foreign Ministry and its state-owned media reacted predictably to the Indian action with strong rhetoric, including reminding India of its defeat in the Indo-China war in 1962.

Jul 14, 2017, 17:23 PM IST

European Parliament VP supports India's 'proactive' operation

India's "proactive operation" against terrorists in the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir should be "commended" and supported by the international community, a top European Parliament official has said, underlining that New Delhi deserves global support in its fight against terror.

Oct 05, 2016, 00:54 AM IST

India's Balochistan push works, European Parliament warns Pakistan of sanctions over atrocities on Balochi people

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's efforts to corner Pakistan over Balochistan issue seems to be yielding positive outcome.

Sep 23, 2016, 17:48 PM IST