Russian tourists

Man charged in France over plan to attack tourists

A radicalised convert to Islam, suspected of planning to attack American and Russian tourists in France, was charged and placed in detention, a judicial source said.

Jun 18, 2016, 13:20 PM IST

Maharashtra keen to attract more Russian tourists

Maharashtra is keen to promote its tourism spots like the Ajanta and Ellora caves, Mahabaleshwar and beaches along the Konkan belt to woo Russian tourists, a senior Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) official has said.

Mar 03, 2016, 00:49 AM IST

Experts begin examining black boxes of crashed Russian jet

Investigators began their examination on Tuesday of the two black boxes from the Russian airliner that crashed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

Nov 03, 2015, 18:49 PM IST

Russia mourns victims of crashed Egypt plane

Russia on Sunday mourned its biggest ever air disaster after a passenger jet full of Russian tourists crashed in Egypt's Sinai, killing all 224 people on board.

Nov 01, 2015, 17:24 PM IST