Russian strikes

Turkish army expands deployment in Syria's northwest: Rebels

The Turkish army is expanding its deployment in northwest Syria with the goal of encircling a Kurdish enclave and reining in Russian strikes in the Idlib border province under a deal to reduce clashes, rebels and witnesses said on Sunday.

Oct 15, 2017, 12:52 PM IST

Nearly 60 dead in Russia raids on Qaeda-run Syria jail

Russian strikes today on a prison complex run by Al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate killed at least 57 people and wounded 30 others, many critically, a monitor said, giving a revised toll.

Jan 10, 2016, 01:59 AM IST

Russia raids on Qaeda-run Syria prison kill at least 39

The strikes hit an Al-Nusra Front building, which lies near a popular market in Maarat al-Numan in Idlib province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Jan 09, 2016, 21:26 PM IST

Thanks to Russian strikes, Syrian army advancing on ‘nearly all fronts’: Assad

The embattled president also said he favoured new peace talks to be hosted in Moscow, but stressed that the Syrian conflict could not be resolved with "defeating terrorism".

Nov 22, 2015, 21:11 PM IST

Death toll rises to 22 in attack on Syria regime bastion

A rare car bombing in September killed 10 people and wounded dozens in Hamam Square in the provincial capital.

Nov 10, 2015, 21:55 PM IST

More than 90% of Russian strikes in Syria not targeting IS or Al-Qaeda: US

A large majority of Russia's military strikes in Syria have not been aimed at the Islamic State group or jihadists tied to Al-Qaeda, and have instead targeted the moderate Syrian opposition, the State Department said today.

Oct 08, 2015, 02:20 AM IST