russia ukraine conflict

World At War: Ukraine has shortage of weapons, Joe Biden took a big decision । Cluster Bombs

It has been more than a year since the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. But this war is still not stopping. Meanwhile, big information is being received that Ukraine is running out of weapons and America is running short of additional weapons to give to Ukraine. US President Joe Biden has publicly accepted the lack of weapons with America. But now America has decided to give cluster bombs to Ukraine to fight Russia.

Jul 16, 2023, 00:00 AM IST

Baat Pate Ki: Zelensky's allegation - Threatening to attack Russia with nuclear bomb

Baat Pate Ki: Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he is threatening to attack Russia with a nuclear bomb, he said that if a nuclear attack happens, it will be dangerous for the whole world.

Jul 05, 2023, 22:56 PM IST

Putin's warning to Wagner Group

Russia Mutiny: Russian President Vladimir Putin has challenged the Wagner Group. Vladimir Putin warned that the Wagner group should join the Russian army or go to Belarus.

Jun 27, 2023, 08:04 AM IST

PM Modi was informed about Russia crisis while going to Egypt

On the way to Cairo, PM Modi was given information about Russia crisis. Let us tell you that the person who supported Putin committed the betrayal, but now the coup in Russia has been averted.

Jun 25, 2023, 11:24 AM IST

World At War: Russia shoots down Ukrainian plane with AI-based weapon

Russia has shot down Ukraine's plane with an AI missile. The most modern weapons are being used in the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Jun 18, 2023, 00:00 AM IST

World At War: Russian satellite's keen eye on Ukraine's weapons

A fierce war has been going on between Ukraine and Russia for 1.5 years. Modern weapons have also been used in this war. But Russia is now using satellite to monitor Ukraine's weapons. Watch our special news on Ukraine-Russia-war in World at War.

Jun 11, 2023, 00:04 AM IST

Baat Pate Ki: Putin's water attack on Ukraine, flooding in many areas

After the sky attack, bomb missile, Russia has now launched a water attack on Ukraine. The Nova Kakhovka Dam has been destroyed. After which inundation has come in many areas of Ukraine. The people of Ukraine have fled leaving their homes.

Jun 07, 2023, 21:26 PM IST

Ukraine accuses Russia of destroying major dam near Kherson, warns of widespread flooding

Ukraine accused Russian forces of blowing up a major dam and hydroelectric power station in a part of southern Ukraine that Russia controls, sending water gushing from the breached facility and risking massive flooding. Ukrainian authorities ordered hundreds of thousands of residents downriver to evacuate.

Jun 06, 2023, 12:50 PM IST

Russia Vs Ukraine War Update: Russia launches missile attack on Kyiv

Russia launched a missile attack on Kiev amid the Russia-Ukraine war. As soon as the siren of this attack was heard, there was an atmosphere of chaos in Kiev. Watch 50 big news of the world in this report.

May 30, 2023, 15:34 PM IST

Russia Vs Ukraine War Update: Russia's big claim on Ukraine attack

In the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war, Russia made a big claim about the attack on Ukraine and said that British missiles were used.

May 16, 2023, 13:52 PM IST

Russia Vs Ukraine War Update: Putin's plan to destroy Ukraine!

The war between Russia and Ukraine continues. Meanwhile, Putin's plan to destroy Ukraine has come to the fore, in which the Russian President is preparing to suffocate with poisonous gas.

May 08, 2023, 09:14 AM IST

World at War: Who is giving weapons to the generals in Sudan?

The ongoing war in Sudan has nothing to do with the common people there. The common people of Sudan are suffering in this war. Normal life has come to a complete standstill.

May 06, 2023, 23:56 PM IST

World At War: Russia will recruit 4 lakh new soldiers for the war with Ukraine!

Russia is recruiting another 4 lakh soldiers to fight in the battlefield of Ukraine. It would not be wrong to say that Putin is preparing for a long run.

Apr 22, 2023, 23:56 PM IST

Deshhit : Why did Pakistan distance itself from Russia and China?

Pakistan has suddenly decided to send 44 tanks to help Ukraine in the war. This decision of Shahbaz government is showing their weakness. In such a situation, the question is why Shahbaz Sharif has been forced to betray Russia.

Mar 21, 2023, 21:28 PM IST

World at War: Russia used a bunkerbuster bomb for the first time

The war between Ukraine and Russia continues even today. It has been more than a year since this war started. In this special show of Zee News, World at War, watch when Russia used the bunker-busting bomb for the first time.

Mar 12, 2023, 00:06 AM IST

Deshhit: Will PM Modi become a peacemaker in Russia-Ukraine war?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz discussed several issues in detail on Saturday. The statement of German Chancellor Scholz that India is changing came that India is changing. At the same time, PM Modi said that the pressure to resolve the Russia-Ukraine war should be maintained through talks.

Feb 26, 2023, 22:24 PM IST

DNA: When will the Russia-Ukraine war end?

The fierce war going on between Ukraine and Russia is going to be one year but no one knows when this war will end. Watch Zee News ground report directly from Irpin city of Ukraine

Feb 22, 2023, 23:44 PM IST

Mahayudh: How America is getting rich from the Great War?

The coming one week may be heavy on Ukraine and its allies. Some agencies are claiming that Russian President Putin is planning an attack with a huge army. But in the midst of all this, how is America's coffers filling up?

Feb 18, 2023, 20:54 PM IST

American citizens may be wrongfully arrested in Russia – America

America has issued a warning regarding American citizens living in Russia. America said that there is a possibility of wrongful arrest of US citizens in Russia, so American citizens should leave Russia and return to the country as soon as possible.

Feb 13, 2023, 17:38 PM IST

Mahayudh: Will weapons or destruction come first?

The conflict that started a year ago in the Ukraine war zone is not ending. According to the information received, before the completion of one year of this war, Russia is preparing for a major attack. Because of which Zelensky is traveling to many countries for help.

Feb 11, 2023, 22:50 PM IST