
Thumb Rules For Pet Nutrition

Since diet is one of the pillars of pet’s well-being, the main focus goes on nutrition. She highlights that as pet parents, what we feed our pets is very much dependent on us, so let’s make sure we do right by them! 

Jun 10, 2024, 12:11 PM IST

Foods To Avoid In An Air Fryer

Mar 23, 2024, 14:17 PM IST

10 Naturally Gluten-Free Foods

Jan 09, 2024, 21:30 PM IST

Centre Imposes 20% Export Duty On Parboiled Rice With Immediate Effect

India had halted the export of white rice on July 20, sending global prices to a 12-year high as measured by the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) rice price index.

Aug 26, 2023, 18:51 PM IST

Grain Shock: Rice Prices Soar To Highest Levels In Almost 15 Years In Asia

Rice is vital to the diets of billions of people in Asia and Africa, and the surge in prices could add to inflationary pressures and boost import bills for buyers, the report said.

Aug 09, 2023, 20:09 PM IST

Export Of Non-Basmati White Rice Banned By Government, Know Why

Non-Basmati white rice constitutes about 25 per cent of total rice exported from the country. The prohibition on its export will lead to lowering of prices for the consumers in the country.

Jul 21, 2023, 07:24 AM IST

Govt Discontinues Rice, Wheat Sale Under Open Market Scheme To Curb Price Rise

To rein in the prices of wheat, the Centre on June 12 imposed stock limits on the commodity till March 31, 2024.

Jun 15, 2023, 08:53 AM IST

10 Foods You Must Soak Before Eating

Foods to soak before eating

May 19, 2023, 11:50 AM IST

Poor rainfall in major rice producing states of UP, Bihar and Bengal impacts Kharif crops

Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengal are the major rainfall deficient states this year. Poor rainfall has impacted kharif crops.

Aug 31, 2022, 11:54 AM IST

Punjab announces Rs 1,500 per acre aid for direct sowing of paddy

Punjab CM Mann also mentioned the Agriculture Department would also extend requisite cooperation and support for implementing direct paddy sowing. 

Apr 30, 2022, 20:59 PM IST

Cuddly bags of rice! Parents in Japan send baby-like rice bags for relatives to hug - see pics

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic people have been forced to keep their distance from even their own relatives specially the elderly. So, new parents in Japan have found a unique mehtod, they are instead sending baby-like bags of rice for them to cuddle.

Aug 14, 2021, 16:39 PM IST

Plastic rice being fed to children in midday meals?

In the Palghar district of Maharashtra, news of adulteration in midday meals in school has come to the fore. Here social workers have alleged that the rice which is being given to the children to eat contains plastic. However, the administration is denying these allegations.

Aug 03, 2021, 21:28 PM IST

DNA: Due to the grain crisis, China is now forced to import rice from India

In this section of DNA, we will analyse the grain crisis in China, where it is now buying tons of rice from India to satisfy its citizens' hunger.

Dec 02, 2020, 23:04 PM IST

Government estimates kharif crop output for 2019-20 slightly lower than last year

As per the data released by Agriculture Ministry, the foodgrain production of the country is estimated slightly lower at 140.57 million tonnes in the kharif season of 2019-20 crop year.

Sep 23, 2019, 20:18 PM IST