
Researchers discover endangered plant species in China

Researchers from the Qixinghe National Nature Reserve identified more than 5,000 waterwheel plants scattered in an area of over 600 sq.metres in the reserve during an observation tour between September 20 and 23

Sep 29, 2017, 12:55 PM IST

Researchers discover source for brain's development – This is what it is

They found that glia, a collection of non-neuronal cells that had long been regarded as passive support cells, in fact are vital to nerve-cell development in the brain.

Sep 02, 2017, 16:35 PM IST

This new diagnostic tool may help detect heart attack, stroke risk early

The tool uses near-infrared light to visualise the fatty build-up in the arteries.

Aug 19, 2017, 22:27 PM IST

Zika may not spread by kissing: Study

Casual contact like kissing or sharing a fork or spoon does not increase the risk of transmission of Zika virus as the infection may not spread through saliva, US researchers have found.

Aug 02, 2017, 20:54 PM IST

New drug could improve Parkinson's disease treatment

Symptoms of Parkinson's disease are commonly managed using selective dopamine receptor agonists. 

Aug 02, 2017, 00:32 AM IST

Scientists identify link between calcium, cholesterol

The findings showed that targeting calcium in the cell could lead to a new way to control cholesterol metabolism that increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. 

Jul 28, 2017, 00:58 AM IST

Playing video games may cut stress at work

The research findings showed that people who played a casual video game exhibited greater engagement and affective restoration than normal relaxation condition.

Jul 26, 2017, 23:52 PM IST

This is why women fall prey to eating disorders!

According to the study, women who were evaluated as less attractive were more motivated to diet and be thin if their husbands or partners were attractive than them.

Jul 15, 2017, 20:23 PM IST

Laziest people on Earth belong to 'THIS' country - Read to know!

 India ranked 39 among the world's laziest countries, with people taking just 4,297 steps a day.

Jul 14, 2017, 20:31 PM IST

Decoded: What happens to your brain during hypnosis?

The findings showed that the hypnosis influences specific regions of the brain while it receives a visual stimulus and greatly impairs the brain's deeper processing operations, such as counting. 

Jul 08, 2017, 23:49 PM IST

Consumption of marijuana may up risk of psychosis in teenagers

A new study has found that daily consumption of marijuana may increase the risk of having recurrent psychotic in teenagers by 159 per cent.

Jul 07, 2017, 23:38 PM IST

Owls’ wings could hold key in making aircraft and wind turbines quieter

Researchers from Japan and China found that the serrations in the leading edge of owls’ wings, gaining new insight into how they work to make the bird’s flight silent.

Jul 05, 2017, 22:44 PM IST

Premature babies at great risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome: Study

The researchers found that infants born between 24 to 27 weeks had a more than three times higher chance than babies born full term of dying before their first birthday of a sudden unexpected infant death, which is comprised of SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths.

Jun 27, 2017, 23:36 PM IST

Facebook to keep wraps on political ads data despite researchers' demands

Facebook said it would not disclose information about political campaign advertising or related data such as how many users click on ads and if advertising messages are consistent across demographics, despite arguments from political scientists who want the data for research.

Jun 22, 2017, 16:56 PM IST

Obese patients have higher risk of infection after heart bypass surgery

A new study has found that patients with obesity have much higher risk of developing an infection soon after heart bypass surgery.

Jun 21, 2017, 23:04 PM IST

Petrol sniffing may reduce growth of children, says study

A new study has warned that petrol-sniffing may reduce the growth of children permanently and there is no way to catch up even after they stop sniffing.

Jun 18, 2017, 00:00 AM IST

Diarrhoea can actually make you healthy

In a new study, investigators explore the immune mechanism that drives diarrhea, concluding that it does play a critical role in pathogen clearance in the early stages of infection.

Jun 15, 2017, 15:39 PM IST

New method to make lung cancer drug trials more successful

Australian researchers have developed a new method for finding participants in clinical trials of lung cancer drugs, it was announced on Wednesday.

Jun 14, 2017, 23:48 PM IST

Researchers discover 2-D magnet for first time

The findings, published this week in the journal Nature, demonstrate that magnetic properties can exist even in the 2-D realm, opening a world of potential applications, as magnetic materials form the basis of technologies that play increasingly pivotal roles in our lives today

Jun 11, 2017, 11:44 AM IST

Investigational vaccine may protect monkeys from HIV-like virus: Study

Researchers from Duke University Medical Center in Durham said the improved vaccine added three more targets to a human vaccine candidate that showed a promise.

Jun 08, 2017, 23:50 PM IST