Red Planet

Colonies on Mars to be made out of these home-made bricks?

Remarkably, the technique requires only that the red-hued building blocks be compressed in a precise way – no additives or baking required.

Apr 28, 2017, 10:46 AM IST

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captures beautiful windblown sand in Ganges Chasma

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured a beautiful image of windblown sand in Ganges Chasma, a canyon in the Valles Marineris system.

Apr 28, 2017, 00:37 AM IST

Alien hunters spot possible tree stump on Mars, say it points towards existence of vegetation on Red Planet!

As per what NASA described, the image was captured by Mastcam onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 1647 in March this year.

Apr 23, 2017, 13:27 PM IST

Spotted – Mysterious secondary craters observed on Mars

The image was captured by the agency's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) that has been studying the Red Planet's atmosphere and terrain from orbit since 2006.

Apr 19, 2017, 17:16 PM IST

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft reveals Mars has metal in its atmosphere

The metal ions can reveal previously invisible activity in the mysterious electrically charged upper atmosphere (ionosphere) of the Red Planet.

Apr 11, 2017, 12:25 PM IST

NASA's MRO discovers structure on martian surface which could be an impact crater!

The US space agency NASA has released an image from the HiRISE instrument on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter which could be an impact crater.

Apr 05, 2017, 23:28 PM IST

NASA's MAVEN spacecraft reveals how Mars lost its atmosphere to space

NASA says this discovery is a significant step toward unraveling the mystery of Mars' past environments.

Mar 31, 2017, 13:36 PM IST

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter completes 50,000th orbit of Red Planet

The orbiter, which is the most data-productive spacecraft yet at Mars, continues to compile the most sharp-eyed global coverage ever accomplished by a camera at the Red Planet.

Mar 30, 2017, 14:33 PM IST

Scientists identify impact crater in connection with ancient Martian tsunamis!

Growing evidence that tsunami waves washed over the boundary between the southern highlands and northern lowlands help strengthen the hypothesis.

Mar 26, 2017, 21:42 PM IST

Manned mission to Mars and beyond: Donald Trump signs NASA bill to send humans to Red Planet by 2033

The bill, known as the NASA Transition Authorization Act, authorised $19.5 billion budget in spending for NASA for the fiscal year 2017.

Mar 22, 2017, 11:10 AM IST

SpaceX working with NASA to identify Mars landing sites for Red Dragon spacecraft

We are working with scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and elsewhere, have identified several potential landing sites, including one that looks particularly promising, SpaceNews quoted SpaceX's Paul Wooster as saying.

Mar 21, 2017, 16:20 PM IST

Breathtaking view of layered deposits in Uzboi Vallis!

The US space agency NASA has released a breathtaking view of layered deposits in Uzboi Vallis, a valley lying situated within the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle (MC-19) region on Mars.

Mar 18, 2017, 23:31 PM IST

Humans could colonise Mars in future, say experts

Human bodies and minds need to be enhanced to make them apt for colonising the Red planet.

Mar 14, 2017, 17:47 PM IST

NASA's Mars orbiter spots massive dust storms bigger than US swelling on Red Planet - Watch

Images from the orbiter's wide-angle Mars Color Imager (MARCI) show each storm growing in the Acidalia area of northern Mars, then blowing southward and exploding to sizes bigger than the United States after reaching the southern hemisphere.

Mar 10, 2017, 16:48 PM IST

Growing potatoes on the Red Planet a possibility, suggests experiment!

The new phase of CIP's experiment to grow potatoes in simulated Martian conditions began on February 14 last year.

Mar 09, 2017, 21:30 PM IST

You might have to cancel your trip to Mars in 2030s for this reason – Read story

Radiation exposure is believed to be one of the most dangerous aspects of travelling to Mars, according to NASA.

Mar 08, 2017, 13:48 PM IST

Researchers find evidence revealing Mars' water-rich history!

Scientists at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), who led an international research team in the study, created a synthetic version of a hydrogen-containing mineral known as whitlockite.

Mar 06, 2017, 21:25 PM IST

NASA plans to launch magnetic shield into space to make Mars habitable

In a presentation at the Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop in Washington, DC last week, NASA scientists suggested that launching a giant magnetic shield into space between Mars and the Sun could help the Red Planet restore its atmosphere and make it suitable for humans to colonise in the future.

Mar 06, 2017, 14:44 PM IST

Mars astronaut radiation shield set for moon mission trial-developer

The AstroRad Radiation Shield has been devised by Tel Aviv-based StemRad, which has already produced and marketed a belt to protect rescue workers from harmful gamma ray radiation emitted in nuclear disasters, such as Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Mar 03, 2017, 17:15 PM IST

NASA's MAVEN makes unscheduled maneuver to avoid hitting Mars' moon 'Phobos'

On Tuesday, February 28, 2017, the spacecraft carried out a rocket motor burn that boosted its velocity by 0.4 meters per second (less than 1 mile per hour). 

Mar 03, 2017, 10:48 AM IST