
Arctic permafrost may unleash carbon within decades: NASA

The researchers calculated that as thawing continues, by the year 2300, total carbon emissions from the coldest northern Arctic will be 10 times as much as all human-produced fossil fuel emissions in 2016.

Mar 06, 2018, 17:29 PM IST

'Doomsday' seed vault undergoes makeover as Arctic temperatures rise

The underground vault – that has also been called Noah's Ark for seeds – houses and protects the world's crops for a worst-case scenario, that is doomsday.

Mar 02, 2018, 12:09 PM IST

Scientists discover enormous reserves of mercury in permafrost

Permafrost is a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains below freezing point throughout the year, occurring chiefly in polar regions.

Feb 06, 2018, 18:14 PM IST

Melting permafrost floods Arctic's doomsday global seed vault entrance!

The Global Seed Vault, opened in 2008, is a concrete bunker, 100 hundred metres deep inside a mountain. The refrigerated unit was designed to be a secure place to store seeds from many of Earth's 3 million known plant species.

May 20, 2017, 13:47 PM IST

Alaska permafrost thawing sooner than expected

Up to a quarter of the permafrost that lies just under the ground surface in Alaska could thaw by the end of the century, according to a new study.

Dec 26, 2015, 12:54 PM IST