
Intel wins second phase of contract to help Pentagon develop chips

Intel declined to disclose a dollar figure for its portion of the contract, which is being overseen by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division. Intel won part of the first phase of the contract in 2019.

Oct 03, 2020, 15:38 PM IST

China escalated its exercise activities by firing ballistic missiles in South China Sea: US

The Department of Defense is concerned about China's recent decision to conduct military exercises, including the firing of ballistic missiles, around the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea on August 23-29, the Pentagon said in a statement.

Aug 28, 2020, 07:43 AM IST

Pentagon lauds India’s ‘positive’ role in Afghanistan

US Department of Defence or the Pentagon is of the view that India can play a positive role in Afghanistan and lauded New Delhi for being the "largest donor" to the country. 

Jul 02, 2020, 17:25 PM IST

UFO sighted? Pentagon shares videos of 'unexplained aerial phenomena' taken by US Navy pilots

The Pentagon on Monday released three previously classified videos in which US Navy pilots can be seen encountering what appear to be unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Apr 28, 2020, 08:53 AM IST

Pentagon chief says no specific evidence Iran was plotting to attack four US embassies

Democrats and a few Republicans in Congress have questioned the justification of the attacks and said they have not been given adequate, detailed briefings. Trump said on Friday Iran probably had targeted the US embassy in Baghdad and was aiming to attack four US embassies before Soleimani was killed in a U.S. drone strike on January 3.

Jan 12, 2020, 23:41 PM IST

Iran names US troops, Pentagon as terrorist entities for killing General Qassem Soleimani

During Tuesday's session, "all members of the Pentagon, the affiliated companies and institutes and commanders and those who ordered for the assassination of Lieutenant General martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani" were added to the terrorist list, as reported by Fars agency.

Jan 07, 2020, 14:49 PM IST

Pentagon confirms Iran Quds Force commander Soleimani killed in US strike

The Pentagon issued a statement saying that Soleimani had "orchestrated" attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the past few months and approved the "attacks" on the US embassy in Baghdad.

Jan 03, 2020, 09:10 AM IST

US military carries out 'defensive strikes' in Iraq, Syria against Kataib Hezbollah

The Pentagon said it targeted three locations of the Iranian-backed Shi`ite Muslim militia group in Iraq and two in Syria. 

Dec 29, 2019, 23:40 PM IST

US releases Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi raid video, warns of likely retribution attack

The declassified, grainy, black-and-white aerial videos from Saturday's raid showed US special operations forces closing in on the compound and US aircraft firing on militants nearby.

Oct 31, 2019, 06:48 AM IST

Microsoft beats Amazon for Pentagon's $10 billion cloud computing contract

Microsoft Corp. has won the Pentagon`s $10 billion (£7.80 billion) cloud computing contract, the Defense Department said on Friday, beating out favourite Inc.

Oct 26, 2019, 07:52 AM IST

US to deploy large number of forces to Saudi Arabia, says Pentagon

The United States announced on Friday a new, large deployment of forces to Saudi Arabia to help bolster the kingdom`s defenses following the Sept. 14 attack on its oil facilities, which Washington and Riyadh have blamed on Iran.

Oct 11, 2019, 21:56 PM IST

Pentagon approves to push in additional 2,100 troops to US-Mexico border

There are currently about 4,500 active duty and National Guard troops on the border with Mexico.

Jul 18, 2019, 09:28 AM IST

Pentagon defends India's ASAT, says nation concerned over 'threats from space'

On March 27, India achieved a historic feat by shooting down its own low-orbit satellite with a ground-to-space missile, making the country a space power.


Apr 12, 2019, 07:14 AM IST

US didn't spy on India's anti-satellite missile test: Pentagon

The Pentagon, however, strongly denied the spying allegation.

Mar 30, 2019, 07:55 AM IST

Pentagon authorises $1 billion for construction of Donald Trump's border wall

US President Donald Trump had declared a national emergency last month in a bid to fund his promised border wall without congressional approval.

Mar 26, 2019, 09:30 AM IST

India-US looking to co-develop small air launch UAVs: Pentagon

The defence officials from the two countries held their latest round of Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) talks in Washington. 

Mar 16, 2019, 13:19 PM IST

China, Russia pose challenge to US space capabilities: Pentagon

The Pentagon lists India as one of the nine countries and one international organisation which can independently launch spacecraft.

Feb 12, 2019, 10:24 AM IST

United States in talks with India over missile defence collaboration: Pentagon

The Pentagon on Wednesday said the sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the US by helping to strengthen the US-Indian strategic relationship.

Feb 08, 2019, 12:40 PM IST

Pentagon sending 3,750 extra United States forces to border with Mexico

Critics called the deployment a political stunt and scoffed at Trump’s comparisons of caravans of Central American migrants, including women and children, to an "invasion."

Feb 04, 2019, 10:13 AM IST

China's OBOR contrary to international norms, abating sovereignty of countries

The Pentagon report identified 17 cases in which Chinese investment and project financing bypassed regular market mechanisms and has resulted in negative economic effects for the host country.

Jan 16, 2019, 13:01 PM IST