Pena Nieto

Mexico says will not pay for Trump wall, no action yet to ease peso plunge

Mexico said on Wednesday it will not pay for a border wall after Donald Trump`s surprise U.S. presidential election win and officials held back from taking any action to support the peso despite the currency hitting lifetime lows overnight.

Nov 10, 2016, 01:43 AM IST

Mexico says won't pay for Trump wall, no action yet to ease peso plunge

Mexico said on Wednesday it will not pay for a border wall after Donald Trump's surprise U.S. presidential election win and local authorities held off announcing any emergency financial measures to support the peso after the currency hit record lows overnight.

Nov 09, 2016, 23:37 PM IST

Mexico leader proposes legalizing gay marriage nationwide

The Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling last year declaring that it was unconstitutional for Mexican states to ban same-sex marriage.

May 18, 2016, 01:12 AM IST

Egyptian forces kill 12, mistaking Mexican tourists for militants

Egyptian security forces killed 12 people and wounded 10 "by accident" when they mistook a convoy of mostly Mexican tourists for a group of militants they were hunting in the desert, the interior ministry said on Monday.

Sep 14, 2015, 20:18 PM IST