Paris riots

Pakistani citizens will not get visa in France?

France Violence: After the death of a 17-year-old teenager in a police shootout, France has been burning in the fire of riots for the past several days. Till now thousands of rioters have been arrested. But the fire is not taking the name of extinguishing. In the midst of all this, the problems of Pakistan have also increased. A news is going on about France, according to which some Pakistani journalists have claimed that the entry of Pakistani citizens is closed amidst the riots.

Jul 07, 2023, 23:34 PM IST

Uproar over France in Pakistan now! Ban on Pakistan before Modi's visit?

France Violence: After the death of a 17-year-old teenager in a police shootout, France has been burning in the fire of riots for the past several days. Till now thousands of rioters have been arrested. But the fire is not taking the name of extinguishing. In the midst of all this, the problems of Pakistan have also increased. A news is going on about France, according to which some Pakistani journalists have claimed that the entry of Pakistani citizens is closed amidst the riots.

Jul 07, 2023, 23:18 PM IST

Rioters attack Paris Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun's house, wife injured

France Riots are underway. Amidst this, rioters made a fierce attack on the house of Vincent Jeanbrun, the mayor of Paris. Mayor's wife Melanie Nowak is badly injured in this attack.

Jul 03, 2023, 09:08 AM IST

Who are the people burning down France?

France Violence: After the death of a 17-year-old teenager in a police shootout, France has been burning in the fire of riots for the last 6 days. Till now about 1 thousand rioters have been arrested. But the fire is not taking the name of extinguishing.

Jul 02, 2023, 15:46 PM IST

Civil war like situation in France!

Riots and protests have continued in France since the murder of a teenager named Nahel. The protests, which began after the death of a 17-year-old boy in police firing, are still ongoing.

Jul 02, 2023, 11:52 AM IST

The fire of France is not stopping!

For more than 100 hours, many cities of France including Paris have been in the grip of violence. Thousands of policemen are deployed but still the violence is not stopping. Many countries have issued advisories asking their citizens to stay safe in France.

Jul 02, 2023, 11:00 AM IST

FIFA World Cup final: Riots break out in Paris following France’s defeat to Messi's Argentina

FIFA World Cup finals: Massive outrage in Frace following its defeat from Messi's Argentina - WATCH video.

Dec 19, 2022, 10:49 AM IST

French President Emmanuel Macron visits riot-damaged Arc de Triomphe, state of emergency mulled

Masked, black-clad groups ran amok across central Paris on Saturday, torching dozens of cars and buildings, looting shops, smashing windows and fighting police in the worst unrest the capital has seen since 1968, posing the most formidable challenge Emmanuel Macron has faced in his 18-month-old presidency.

Dec 02, 2018, 17:28 PM IST

France mulls state of emergency after Paris riots, won't change policy

The French government will consider imposing a state of emergency to prevent a recurrence of France`s worst riots in years, but while it is open to dialogue it will not change course, its spokesman said on Sunday.

Dec 02, 2018, 16:05 PM IST