pakistani reporter

Deshhit: Five big questions today

Watch in Deshhit: Five big questions today.

Sep 25, 2019, 21:04 PM IST

U.S. President Donald Trump at UN: PM Modi is like 'Father of India'

U.S. President Donald Trump at UN: PM Modi is like 'Father of India'. Watch this video for more details on this.

Sep 25, 2019, 01:14 AM IST

Deshhit: Modi-Trump's fourth meeting in four months

Watch in Deshhit: Modi-Trump's fourth meeting in four months.

Sep 24, 2019, 21:38 PM IST

Deshhit: How did Trump make Modi's job easy on terror?

Watch in Deshhit: How did Trump make Modi's job easy on terror?

Sep 24, 2019, 21:34 PM IST

Deshhit: Five big questions today

Watch in Deshhit: Five big questions today.

Sep 24, 2019, 21:28 PM IST

Deshhit: Modi-Trump will meet in New York today, know what may be the conversation?

Watch in Deshhit: Modi-Trump will meet in New York today, know what may be the conversation?

Sep 24, 2019, 21:24 PM IST

Top 10 news related to PM Modi in America

Watch top 10 news related to PM Modi in America.

Sep 24, 2019, 20:22 PM IST

5W1H: Trump reprimanded Pakistani reporter in front of Imran over Kashmir

Watch in 5W1H: Trump reprimanded Pakistani reporter in front of Imran over Kashmir.

Sep 24, 2019, 16:42 PM IST

The famous Chand Nawab from Pakistan is back with another hilarious video! Watch

Chand Nawab can be seen reporting from a pan shop.

Jun 29, 2018, 18:53 PM IST