Pakistani diplomat

Progress in 26/11 terror case trial expected: Pakistan

Pakistan today said a trial in a terror case like 26/11 takes time to conclude and one must not "jump the gun" and must wait for the court verdict.

Mar 18, 2017, 17:36 PM IST

Pakistan declares Indian High Commission official persona non grata, asks him to leave country

In a tit-for-tat action, Pakistan on Thursday declared an Indian High Commission official as persona non-grata and asked him to leave the country within 48 hours.

Oct 27, 2016, 23:04 PM IST

India expels Pakistan High Commission staffer for running spy ring, asks him to leave country within 48 hours

 India on Thursday declared a Pakistan High Commission staffer 'persona non-grata' for spying.

Oct 27, 2016, 22:29 PM IST

China will not allow India into NSG: Pakistani diplomat

Pakistan is banking on good friend China to block India's chances of making it to the coveted Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), a former Pakistani diplomat has said, adding that "chances of India gaining entry into NSG are virtually nil".

Apr 14, 2016, 21:27 PM IST

Pakistani diplomat's son arrested for sex with teen

The suspect’s sister said her brother studies business at Westchester Community College. His Facebook page says he is originally from Islamabad.

Dec 10, 2015, 13:33 PM IST