pakistan blast news

IED blast on Chinese engineers in Pakistan, many injured

IED Bomb Blast in Pakistan: IED blast has happened on Chinese engineers in Pakistan. There are reports of injuries to many Chinese engineers in this blast.

Aug 13, 2023, 18:32 PM IST

Pakistan: Death Toll Jumps To 44 In Bajaur Suicide Blast At Political Gathering

It was, after the blast that the authorities got to know that close to 400 people were attending the JUI-F workers convention on Shanday Morr, close to the NADRA headquarters.

Jul 31, 2023, 06:49 AM IST

Bomb blast in Pakistan's Quetta, 4 people died

The echo of a tremendous explosion was heard in Quetta, Pakistan. This blast happened in Kandhari market of Quetta. According to the information received, 4 people have died in the blast.

Apr 10, 2023, 21:48 PM IST

Train Blast in Pakistan, One Killed and Three Others Injured

Pakistan News: There has been an explosion in a Pakistani train, after the explosion in the Jafar Express going to Quetta, 1 woman was killed and 3 others were injured.

Feb 16, 2023, 13:48 PM IST