Number 1

Numerology Prediction For August 5- 11: You Will Feel More Confident This Week

Write down your full birth date. Reduce the day, month, and year to single digits by summing it up. Add all the single digits together of date, month, and birth year. Reduce this total to a single digit by adding them unless it's a master number (11, 22, or 33).


Aug 05, 2024, 10:36 AM IST

Numerology Destiny Number 3: Know It Means For Your Career, Love, Relationships And Finances

In numerology, destiny numbers have special significance as they tell many things about one's personality. The Destiny numbers help in guiding and understanding one’s individual growth, relationships and many other things, says astrologer.

Feb 20, 2024, 13:23 PM IST

Numerology: Destiny Number 1? What Does It Tell About Your Fortune

In numerology, destiny numbers have special significance as they tell many things about one's personality. The Destiny numbers help in guiding and understanding one’s individual growth, relationships and many other things, says astrologer.

Jan 29, 2024, 18:32 PM IST