North Korean missile test

Tillerson says US pressure on North Korea in 'early stages'

The test of what the US military described as a medium- range missile fired from Pukchang, North Korea was the second this week, and the 10th this year.

May 21, 2017, 21:37 PM IST

North Korea serious threat to security, must abide by obligations, says France

"France calls on North Korea to conform immediately with its international obligations and proceed to the dismantlement of its nuclear and ballistic programmes in a complete, verifiable and irreversible way," Foreign ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said in a statement.

May 14, 2017, 18:22 PM IST

South Korea says US reaffirms it will pay THAAD costs; Donald Trump calls Asia allies

South Korea said the United States had reaffirmed it would shoulder the cost of deploying the THAAD anti-missile system.

May 01, 2017, 09:12 AM IST

North Korea intent on developing capability of nuclear tech: John Kelly

North Korea seems to be intent on developing both missile technology and nuclear weapons capability, a top Trump administration official said today.


Apr 29, 2017, 12:22 PM IST

Republicans blame Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton for North Korean missile test

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said that the North Koreans do not understand anything but toughness and strength.

Feb 07, 2016, 18:04 PM IST