New Horizons Pluto flyby

Check out - New Horizons’ top 10 discoveries at Pluto! (Watch video)

New Horizons, moving at speeds that would get it from New York to Los Angeles in about four minutes, pointing its cameras, spectrometers, and other sensors at the frozen world and its moons, captured hundreds of pictures and other science data that would forever change our view of the outer solar system.

Jul 15, 2016, 09:35 AM IST

Watch: New visualisation of space environment at Pluto

The video shows a simulation of the space environment all the way out to Pluto in the months surrounding New Horizons’ historic July 2015 flyby.

Dec 09, 2015, 10:02 AM IST

Twirling moons and ice volcanoes: NASA's New Horizons reveals surprising discoveries on Pluto!

From possible ice volcanoes to twirling moons, scientists' view of Pluto seems to be evolving with every step.

Nov 10, 2015, 09:15 AM IST