Moscow Institute of Physics And Technology

Cancer woes: Parsley, dill can actually be the cure!

Scientists from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), the N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry (RAS), the Institute of Developmental Biology (RAS) and the Institute of Cell Biophysics (RAS) proposed an efficient approach to a novel agents with anticancer activity. 

Jun 29, 2016, 19:19 PM IST

Scientists control heart cells with laser

"Right now, this result may be very useful for clinical studies of the mechanisms of the heart and in the future, we could potentially stop attacks of arrhythmia in patients at the touch of a button," said study co-author Konstantin Agladze from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Apr 15, 2016, 19:34 PM IST

'Forbidden' substances may help sustain life on super-Earths

Researchers studied various structural compositions of Mg-Si-O that may occur at pressures ranging from 5 to 30 million atmospheres.

Jan 03, 2016, 23:55 PM IST